Joe E. Tata
Joe E. Tata
Top Movie Cast
Jacqueline Susann's Valley of the Dollstrue- Art Williams Love Is Like Thattrue- Norm Sisters of Deathtrue- Joe Terror Out of the Skytrue- Groves The Unholy Rollerstrue- Marshall Hickey & Boggstrue- Coroner's Assistant Which Way to the Front?true- Corporal (uncredited) It's Good to Be Alivetrue- 'Pee Wee' Reese Kill Me If You Cantrue- Kelton Police Story: Confessions of a Lady Coptrue Confessions of the D.A. Mantrue- Lt. Ficklen O'Hara, United States Treasury: Operation Cobratrue- Special Agent Bertino Mobile Twotrue- Father John Lucas High Mountain Rangerstrue- Joseph 'Nitro' Capelli Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders IItrue- Pete A Clockwork Bluetrue- Homer The Last Survivorstrue- Charley Along Came a Spidertrue- Dr. Hernandez Death Screamtrue- Det. Linsky Dead Man on the Runtrue- Bobby Dimasco A Love Affair: The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Storytrue- Gomez Profile Images
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