Sandy Ward
Sandy Ward
Top Movie Cast
The Perfect Stormtrue- Quentin - The Old Timer The Onion Fieldtrue- Pawnbroker Sergeant Matlovich vs. the U.S. Air Forcetrue- Maj. Bradley The Velvet Vampiretrue- Amos The Hindenburgtrue- Detective Grunberger Ruby and Oswaldtrue- Chief Curry Cocaine: One Man's Seductiontrue- The Judge The Disappearance of Aimeetrue- Judge Blake Delta Force 3: The Killing Gametrue- General Wilson Good Against Eviltrue- Lt. Taggert Mallory: Circumstantial Evidencetrue- 1st Deputy Marshal Lacy and the Mississippi Queentrue- Mitchell Beacon Executive Actiontrue- Policeman Terminal Islandtrue- Guard Twirltrue- Chief Ed Morgan Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking Storytrue- McIntire Young Lusttrue- Walt Bimster Earthquaketrue- Studio Guard (uncredited) The Solitary Mantrue- Mr. Hendricks The Kansas City Massacretrue- Ivers The Golden Gate Murderstrue- George Walker The Morning Aftertrue- Telly Curran Wholly Mosestrue- Taskmaster Police Academy 2: Their First Assignmenttrue- Sistrunk Switchbacktrue- Tex Monroe Movers & Shakerstrue- Doctor Airplane II: The Sequeltrue- Defense Attorney Shirts/Skinstrue- Patient The Rosetrue- Rose's Father The Execution of Private Sloviktrue- Enhardt