Rafael Lanuza
Rafael Lanuza
Top Movie Crew
Triumph of the Champions of JusticetrueDirecting
The Mansion of The 7 MummiestrueDirecting
Sexo, sexo, ra ra ratrueDirecting
El Cristo de los milagrostrueDirecting
The Mansion of The 7 MummiestrueWriting
El Cristo de los milagrostrueWriting
El Cristo de los milagrostrueProduction
The Mummies of San AngeltrueProduction
Triumph of the Champions of JusticetrueWriting
Triumph of the Champions of JusticetrueProduction
Macabre Legends of the ColonytrueProduction
La muerte tambien cabalgatrueCamera
Una corona para mi madretrueDirecting
Superzan and the Space BoytrueProduction
Superzan and the Space BoytrueDirecting
Superzan and the Space BoytrueWriting
Superzan el InvencibletrueProduction