Randy Oglesby
Randy Oglesby
Top Movie Cast
Independence Daytrue- Mechanic Idle Handstrue- Sheriff Buchanan And Another Honkytonk Girl Says She Willtrue- Pa The Richest Cat in the Worldtrue- Tom Oglesby Unthinkabletrue- Mr. Bradley Bad Dreamstrue- Cynthia's Policeman The Pentagon Warstrue- Test Range General Vanessa in the Gardentrue- Dr. Edward Northrup The Hit Listtrue- Det. Wilcher The Disappearance of Christinatrue- Larry Candyman: Farewell to the Fleshtrue- Heyward Sullivan We Were Soldierstrue- Lt. Col. List (uncredited) Pearl Harbortrue- Strategic Analyst Game of Acestrue- General Rupert Graves III Bringing Down the Housetrue- FBI Agent The Lone Rangertrue- Shareholder The Islandtrue- Harvest Surgeon Promises to Keeptrue- Ames Betrayed by Lovetrue- Chief Conyers Project: ALFtrue- Bouncer All the Waytrue- Senator Strom Thurmond Liar Liartrue- Detective Bryson Nothing to Losetrue- Sheriff Earl Path to Wartrue- John Stennis The Onion Movietrue- Surgeon General