James Vincent
James Vincent
Top Movie Cast
The Land of the Losttrue- Gilbert Hastings The Terror of Consciencetrue- Paul Baron - the Actor Shenandoahtrue- Col. Robert Illingham A Stolen Identitytrue- Steve Carnes The Lost Diamondtrue- Warding - the Detective A Virginia Feudtrue- Frank Mosby The Blind Basket Weavertrue- Paul - the Blind Basket Weaver The Fatal Legacytrue- Henry Halleck Uncle Tom's Cabintrue- St. Clair The Pursuit of the Smugglerstrue The Ghost of Twisted Oakstrue- Jack Carlton The Prince Who Was a Thieftrue- Babu (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
A Royal RomancetrueDirecting
The Blind Basket WeavertrueDirecting
The Melting PottrueDirecting
Stolen MomentstrueDirecting
Gold and the WomantrueDirecting
A Woman in GreytrueDirecting
Love and HatetrueDirecting
In the Tennessee HillstrueDirecting
Sister Against SistertrueDirecting
The Unwelcome MothertrueDirecting