Satomi Oka
Satomi Oka
Top Movie Cast
20 Duels of Young Shingo - Part 1true 20 Duels of Young Shingo - Part 2true The Little Flying Fish Gets Sicktrue- (Voice) Isshin Tasuke: A World in Dangertrue 53 Stages of the Roadtrue Ooka Seidan: Devil Imagetrue Diary of a Wandering Lordtrue Lord Mito 2: The Nation's Vice Shoguntrue The Christian Revolttrue- Sakura The Kingdom of Jirocho 3true The Kingdom of Jirocho 2true The Fighting on The Trialtrue Yakuza Officialtrue- Otomi Travels of Lord Mito Pt.9true The Traveling Ruffiantrue Wind, Woman and Roadtrue- Oyuki The Kingdom of Jirocho 1true Jirocho’s Days of Youth: Boss of the Tokai Regiontrue Jirocho’s Days of Youth: The Youngest Boss in the Tokai Regiontrue The Travel notes of Choshichiro - Peregrine Goblintrue Bored Hatamoto: Idle Vassal Tributetrue Ghost Ship Part 2true- Rika Miyamoto Musashi: The Duel at Ichijo Templetrue- Akemi Barefoot Gen Part 3: Battle of Hiroshimatrue- Mother With Songs in My Hearttrue Four Hours of Terrortrue- Kinuyo Yamamoto Runway to Helltrue- Michitose Return of the One-Armed Swordsmantrue A Spectacular Showdowntrue Case of Umon: Hell’s Windmilltrue Case of Umon: The Nanbanzame Murderstrue Duel of Blood and Sandtrue- Nana Official with a Tattootrue- Okei The Mansion of Intriguetrue The Black Hooded Man 2true Roughneck From Asamatrue- Kayo Miyamoto Musashi: Birth of Two Sword Styletrue- Akemi Tales of Young Genji Kuro 2true- Osuzu The Warrior from Kishutrue- Oiku Showdown at Lightning Passtrue- Yukie The Seven Vows, Part 3true Bushido: The Cruel Code of the Samuraitrue- Fuji Miyamoto Musashitrue- Akemi Miyamoto Musashi: Showdown at Hannyazaka Heightstrue- Akemi Revenge for His Lovertrue Shingo's Original Challenge, Part 4true Tange Sazen and the Princesstrue- Hagino Case of Umon: Red Lizardtrue The Phantom Cattrue- Princess Aya Miyamoto Musashi V: Musashi vs Kojirotrue- Akemi Unwieldy Brotherstrue- Tsuru Souls in the Moonlighttrue- Omatsu Souls in the Moonlight IItrue- Omatsu Souls in the Moonlight IIItrue- Omatsu Glorious Firefighter’s Standardtrue Shingo's Original Challenge, Part 1 and 2true Festival of Swordsmentrue Flowers on the Roadtrue- Okiku Scarier than the Deviltrue Bored Hatamoto: Island of No Returntrue Echo in the Mountainstrue- Omura The Mysterious Purple Hoodtrue Waga seishun no eleventrue Jirocho' s Days of Youth: Whirlwind on the Tokaidotrue The Lost Public Fundstrue- Yukie Restoration Firetrue- Oshino Case of a Young Lord 3true Lord Mito: All Star Versiontrue The Man Who Came to Shimizu Harbortrue Bloody Battle at Dawntrue Lords of Oppression 2true Lion Festival of Echigotrue Young Master Yakuza: Edoite Goblintrue The Black Hooded Man in Periltrue Bored Hatamoto: The Daimonji Conspiracytrue Ryuji, the Gun Slingertrue