Margherita Horowitz
Margherita Horowitz
Top Movie Cast
The Wild, Wild Planettrue- Mrs. Fowler Fantozzi: White Collar Bluestrue- Catellani's Guest (uncredited) John the Bastardtrue- Old Maid Aunt Man of the Easttrue- Doggy Woman in the Mail Van Up the MacGregorstrue- Annie / Jane MacGregor Seven Guns for the MacGregorstrue- Annie MacGregor Nazi Love Camp 27true- Hanna's Mother Three Bullets for Ringotrue- Mrs. Carson The Last Snows of Springtrue- Mariolina Eye of the Cattrue- donna al funerale One Dollar Too Manytrue- Woman in mourning Trinity Plus the Clown and a Guitartrue I'm Photogenictrue- Woman on the Train (uncredited) Colt 38 Special Squadtrue- Casino Guest (uncredited) The Baby Sittertrue- Maid (uncredited) Rome, the Other Face of Violencetrue- Mrs. Laurenti (uncredited) The Temptertrue- Queen Ranieri d'Aragona The Magnificent Dare Deviltrue- Housekeeper The New Monsterstrue- Una borgatara Kriminaltrue- Woman at Casino Table Even Angels Eat Beanstrue- Gerace's Wife The Terracetrue- un'ospite Salon Kittytrue- Margherita's Mother Pane, burro e marmellatatrue- vicina di Bruno Casanova & Co.true- Mother Superior The Heroin Busterstrue- Junkie Girl's Mother Live Like a Cop, Die Like a Mantrue- Mona Mark Shoots Firsttrue- Maria Clerici The Salamandertrue- Wife of Minister of Defense (uncredited) Il marito in collegiotrue The Iron Commissionertrue- Conforti's neighbor Who's Afraid of Zorrotrue- Wedding Guest (uncredited) The Return of Hallelujatrue- Church Camp Woman Death Laid an Eggtrue- Marco's secretary Avanti!true- Hotel Guest (uncredited) The Cat o' Nine Tailstrue- Lori's Babysitter (uncredited) The Voyage Into the Whirlpool Has Beguntrue Calling All Police Carstrue- Antonietta - Icardi's maid Autopsytrue- American Tourist (uncredited) Operation Kid Brothertrue- (creditOnly) Tutto suo padretrue- Adalgisa Conversation Piecetrue- Maid A Dangerous Toytrue- Pizza Restaurant Customer (uncredited)