Lewis Sargent
Lewis Sargent
Top Movie Cast
Tarzan and the Green Goddesstrue- George The Call of the Wildernesstrue- Andrew Horton Jr Ace Hightrue- Jean Rivard (age 15) The Coming of the Lawtrue- Jiggs The New Adventures of Tarzantrue- George Oliver Twisttrue- Noah Claypole Huckleberry Finntrue- Huckleberry Finn Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamptrue- Ali Too Many Cookstrue- Undetermined Role South Of Panamatrue- Dick Lewis The Soul of Youthtrue- Ed Simpson Miss Mink of 1949true- Thug Just Around the Cornertrue- Jimmie Birdsong Ali Baba and the Forty Thievestrue- Khaujeh Houssain Ridin' the Windtrue- Dick Harkness The New Adventures of Tarzantrue- George Vamping Babiestrue- Lewis The Man from New Mexicotrue- Bob Langton Crashing Broadwaytrue- Billy Griswold What Price Hollywood?true- Reporter (uncredited)