Daniel Lesoeur
Daniel Lesoeur
Top Movie Cast
La última película de Jess Francotrue- Self The Girls of the Copacabanatrue- Man in Telephone Booth Queridos monstruostrue- Self A Virgin for St. Tropeztrue- Un brancardier Ladies House of Pleasuretrue Top Movie Crew
Angel of DeathtrueProduction
Angel of DeathtrueWriting
The House of the Lost DollstrueProduction
Golden Temple AmazonstrueProduction
Dark Mission: Flowers of EviltrueProduction
Night of the EaglestrueProduction
Oasis of the ZombiestrueProduction
Toys in the AttictrueProduction
La última película de Jess FrancotrueProduction
Maniac KillertrueProduction
Avortement clandestin!trueProduction
Avortement clandestin!trueDirecting
Cannibal TerrortrueProduction
Zombie LaketrueProduction
Shining SextrueProduction
La Maison TelliertrueWriting
Helga, She Wolf of SpilbergtrueProduction
Revenge in the House of UshertrueProduction
Panther SquadtrueProduction
Chicas de alquilertrueDirecting
Diamonds of KilimandjarotrueProduction
Devil HuntertrueProduction
Police Destination OasistrueProduction
The Hot Nights of LindatrueProduction
Queridos monstruostrueProduction
White Cannibal QueentrueProduction
White Cannibal QueentrueProduction
La Maison TelliertrueProduction
Pigalle Crossing of IllusionstrueDirecting
The Girls of the Golden SaloontrueProduction
No temas a la leytrueDirecting
La Pension des surdouéstrueProduction