Bernard Horsfall
Bernard Horsfall
Top Movie Cast
Mr. Horatio Knibblestrue- Mr. Bunting The Angry Silencetrue- Pryce-Evans Beasts: The Dummytrue- Clyde Boyd Guns at Batasitrue- Schoolie On Her Majesty's Secret Servicetrue- Campbell The Steel Bayonettrue- Pte. Livingstone Gandhitrue- General Edgar A Distant Screamtrue- Doctor Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassintrue- Chancellor Goth Shout at the Deviltrue- Captain Joyce The Five Pound Orangetrue- Nigel Thatcher: The Final Daystrue- Alan Clark The One That Got Awaytrue- Lieutenant - Kent Stone of Destinytrue- Archdeacon Brass Targettrue- Shelley Inside the Third Reichtrue- Fritz Todt Doctor Who: Planet of the Dalekstrue- Taron Doctor Who: The Mind Robbertrue- Gulliver Doctor Who: The War Gamestrue- First Time Lord The Hound of the Baskervillestrue- Frankland Quest for Lovetrue- Telford Doctor Who: The War Games in Colourtrue- First Time Lord (archive footage) Profile Images
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