Cheng Chih-wei
Cheng Chih-wei
Top Movie Cast
Be Alive Just Like Youtrue The Time of Huan Nantrue- Li An-kun Them, Behind the Doortrue Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale - Part 1: The Sun Flagtrue- Biho Sapo Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale - Part 2: The Rainbow Bridgetrue- Biho Sapo Trouble Girltrue- caretaker Bad Educationtrue- Taxi Driver Marry My Dead Bodytrue- Master When You Fell from the Treetrue The Romance of Mr. Sciencetrue- Neighborhood representative Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Baletrue- Biho Sapo Café. Waiting. Lovetrue- Gang Leader of Islander The Mattresstrue- Chin-chang Cape No. 7true- Representative #1 I am the Secret in Your Hearttrue- Vet at Kangding Animal Hospital