Simon Phillips
Simon Phillips
Top Movie Cast
Ash & Dusttrue- Zach Murrow Jack Saidtrue- Jack Adleth Survive the Gametrue- English Jack Saystrue- Jack Adleth End of Loyaltytrue- Vincent The Last Seventrue- William Blake The Survivalisttrue- Danny Blood Harvesttrue- Mortdecai Airbornetrue- Alan Fletcher Strippers vs. Werewolvestrue- Sinclair Jack Fallstrue- Jack Adleth How to Stop Being a Losertrue- James Escaping Paradisetrue- Kane The Reverendtrue- The Detective The Rise & Fall of a White Collar Hooligantrue- Eddie Hill The Fall of the Essex Boystrue- Craig Rolfe The Hooligan Warstrue- Rowley White Collar Hooligan 2: England Awaytrue- Eddie Hill Deinfluencertrue- Charles Shame the Deviltrue- James The Warningtrue- Robert Edwars Essex Boys Retributiontrue- Craig Rolfe (archive footage) The Loch Ness Monstertrue- Connor The Fearwaytrue- The Manager White Collar Hooligan 3true- Eddie Hill The Disappearance Of Lenka Woodtrue- Jenson Yes, Chef! Christmastrue- Joe Pinkney He Who Dares: Downing Street Siegetrue- Holt The Mouse Traptrue- Mickey / Tim Collins The Last Redemptiontrue- Captain Harding Dangerous Mind of a Hooligantrue- Anthony Bonded by Bloodtrue- Officer Tolands What Lurks Beneathtrue- Brandon Silent Bitetrue- Father Christmas Once Upon a Time at Christmastrue- Santa Claus Offendertrue- Probation Officer John La Banda Grossitrue- Arthur Stevens Gehenna: Where Death Livestrue- Alan Butcherstrue- Owen Watson Stealing Chaplintrue- Cal The Nights Before Christmastrue- Santa Claus This Was Americatrue- David The Mouse Trap: Welcome to the Mickeyversetrue- Mickey Abracadabra and a Christmas Miracletrue- Christopher Measure For Measuretrue- Duke The Omro Heisttrue- Gerard Top Movie Crew
The Fall of the Essex BoystrueProduction
Essex Boys RetributiontrueProduction
White Collar Hooligan 2: England AwaytrueProduction
Blood and SnowtrueWriting
White Collar Hooligan 3trueProduction
He Who Dares: Downing Street SiegetrueCrew
The Hooligan WarstrueProduction
Essex Boys: Law of SurvivaltrueProduction
Once Upon a Time at ChristmastrueProduction
The Mouse TraptrueWriting
The Last ScouttrueDirecting
He Who DarestrueProduction
How to Stop Being a LosertrueProduction
Stealing ChaplintrueProduction
Stealing ChaplintrueWriting
The Nights Before ChristmastrueWriting
Once Upon a Time at ChristmastrueWriting
The Mouse Trap: Welcome to the MickeyversetrueWriting
The Mouse Trap: Welcome to the MickeyversetrueWriting
Silent BitetrueProduction
The Omro HeisttrueWriting
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