Massimo Antonello Geleng
Massimo Antonello Geleng
Top Movie Cast
The World of Dario Argento 3: Museum of Horrorstrue- Himself Paura: Lucio Fulci Remembered - Volume 1true- Self Dream Timetrue- Sé stesso In the Jungle: The Making Of Cannibal Holocausttrue- Himself Banned Alive! The Rise and Fall of Italian Cannibal Moviestrue Spaghetti alla Martinotrue- Self LA GRANDE AVENTUREtrue- 自己 Top Movie Crew
2019: After the Fall of New YorktrueArt
House on the Edge of the ParktrueArt
House on the Edge of the ParktrueCostume & Make-Up
Devil FishtrueCostume & Make-Up
Once Upon a Time in SicilytrueArt
Volare - La grande storia di Domenico ModugnotrueArt
Il paese delle piccole pioggetrueArt
Cannibal HolocausttrueArt
The Ark of the Sun GodtrueArt
The Highschool Girl Repeating ClasstrueArt
Occhio, malocchio, prezzemolo e finocchiotrueArt
Fellini's CasanovatrueArt
Warrior of the Lost WorldtrueArt
Island of the FishmentrueArt
Slave of the Cannibal GodtrueArt
The Stendhal SyndrometrueArt
The Great AlligatortrueArt
A Policewoman in New YorktrueArt
2019: After the Fall of New YorktrueArt
City of the Living DeadtrueArt
City of the Living DeadtrueCostume & Make-Up
Graveyard DisturbancetrueArt
The ManhunttrueCostume & Make-Up
Eaten Alive!trueCostume & Make-Up
Delirium: Photo of GioiatrueArt
Scorpion with Two TailstrueArt
Scorpion with Two TailstrueCostume & Make-Up
The Adventures of HerculestrueArt
Tex and the Lord of the DeeptrueArt
Dinner with a VampiretrueArt
Reflections in a Dark SkytrueArt
A Bear Called ArthurtrueArt
The Phantom of the OperatrueArt
Love in the MirrortrueArt
The Solitude of Prime NumberstrueArt