Richard Warner
Richard Warner
Top Movie Cast
Village of the Damnedtrue- Harrington The Shadow of the Cattrue- Edgar Venable Mary, Queen of Scotstrue- Walsingham The Mummy's Shroudtrue- Inspector Barrani Inside Outtrue- Wilhelm Schlager To Have and to Holdtrue- Cyril On the Runtrue- Prison Governor Never Back Loserstrue- Mr. Crabtree The Strange World of Planet Xtrue- Insp. Burns Henry VIII and His Six Wivestrue- Warham Murphy's Stroketrue- His Lordship The Large Ropetrue- Inspector Harmer Praying Mantistrue- Monsieur Magny Golden Arrowtrue- Captain Dream Demontrue- Minister Contraband Spaintrue- Inspector LeGrand, de la Surete Dial a Deadly Numbertrue- Baxter