Wes Bishop
Wes Bishop
Top Movie Cast
Race with the Deviltrue- Deputy Dave The Thing with Two Headstrue- Dr. Smith A Climax of Blue Powertrue- Lt. Jim Cable (uncredited) Chain Gang Womentrue- Coleman Chrome and Hot Leathertrue- Sheriff Lewis Violated!true- LAPD Detective (uncredited) Poor Cecilytrue- Arresting Constable (uncredited) Sleazy Ridertrue- Roger (uncredited) Weekend with the Babysittertrue- Rovo Love Camp 7true- Sgt. Gotthardt (uncredited) The Scavengerstrue- Dillon Dixie Dynamitetrue- Deputy Frank Ride Hard, Ride Wildtrue- Lief Vedenin (uncredited) (voice) The Black Gestapotrue- Ernest Top Movie Crew
Race with the DeviltrueProduction
Race with the DeviltrueWriting
Dixie DynamitetrueProduction
The Thing with Two HeadstrueWriting
Chain Gang WomentrueProduction
Chrome and Hot LeathertrueProduction
House on Bare MountaintrueProduction
House on Bare MountaintrueDirecting
The Pick-UptrueProduction
Love Camp 7trueProduction
Chain Gang WomentrueWriting
Chain Gang WomentrueWriting
The Thing with Two HeadstrueProduction
The Thing with Two HeadstrueWriting
Dixie DynamitetrueWriting
The Black GestapotrueWriting
The Black GestapotrueWriting
The Black GestapotrueProduction
Weekend with the BabysittertrueProduction
The ScavengerstrueProduction
The ScavengerstrueProduction