Ornella Micheli
Ornella Micheli
Top Movie Cast
Do You Remember Lucio Fulci?true- Self Top Movie Crew
The Magnificent AdventurertrueEditing
Il cav. Costante Nicosia demoniaco, ovvero Dracula in BrianzatrueEditing
I Am Sartana Your Angel of DeathtrueEditing
Don't Torture a DucklingtrueEditing
Find a Place to DietrueEditing
Light the Fuse… Sartana Is ComingtrueEditing
Sartana's Here... Trade Your Pistol for a CoffintrueEditing
I'll See You on the BalconytrueEditing
The Hills Run RedtrueEditing
They Call Him CemeterytrueEditing
How We Got Into Trouble with the ArmytrueEditing
Two Escape from Sing SingtrueEditing
The Strange TypetrueEditing
Domenica è sempre domenicatrueEditing
Joseph and His BrethrentrueEditing
Totò Double or Nothing?trueEditing
Sweet Kisses and Languid CaressestrueEditing
They Call Me HallelujahtrueEditing
The Witch's CursetrueEditing
7 Golden MonkstrueEditing
Operation San PietrotrueEditing
Beyond the DarknesstrueEditing
My Sister in LawtrueEditing
The Golden VeintrueEditing
Erotic Nights of the Living DeadtrueEditing
Two Public EnemiestrueEditing
Samson and the 7 Miracles of the WorldtrueEditing
Oh! Those Most Secret AgentstrueEditing
Piange… il telefonotrueEditing
I terribili settetrueEditing
Maciste In King Solomon's MinestrueEditing
His Name Was Holy GhosttrueEditing
One on Top of the OthertrueEditing
The Horrible Dr. HichcocktrueEditing
Four of the ApocalypsetrueEditing
Hard SensationtrueEditing
Porno HolocausttrueEditing
The Return of HallelujatrueEditing
James Tont Operation U.N.O.trueEditing
James Tont Operation T.W.O.trueEditing
Challenge to White FangtrueEditing
The Bang-Bang KidtrueEditing
The Avenger of VenicetrueEditing
On Asphalt at Full Speed!trueEditing