Goffredo Unger
Goffredo Unger
Top Movie Cast
Violent Citytrue- Bit Part The Wax Masktrue- Puppeteer Devil Fishtrue- Fisherman / Victim Snow Devilstrue- Captain Frank Pulasky War Between the Planetstrue- Perkinson The Last Roundtrue- Rico Henchman (uncredited) Shoot the Living and Pray for the Deadtrue- Skelton At the End of the Rainbowtrue- Chris Two Sons of Trinitytrue- Padre superiore Desert Assaulttrue- Le caporal Spence Chapaqua's Goldtrue- Chapaqua henchman The Tyrant of Castiletrue- Fredy Ungher Exterminators of the Year 3000true- Truck Driver They Call Me Hallelujahtrue- Slim Battle of the Godfatherstrue- Newspaper Buyer Ring Around the Worldtrue La Stradatrue- Man Restraining Zampano from Attacking (uncredited) Rome, the Other Face of Violencetrue- Police Officer Killed in the Car Chase (uncredited) Demonstrue- Jeep Driver (uncredited) The Castro's Abbesstrue- Captain Zanesi (uncredited) Concorde Affairtrue- Forsythe Henchman (uncredited) His Name Was Kingtrue- Ben Benson Hammerheadtrue- Man in pub (uncredited) War of the Planetstrue- Duvall Two Brothers in Trinitytrue- Doc Rome, Armed to the Teethtrue- Man Fleeing Marketplace (uncredited) Silent Actiontrue- Getaway Driver (uncredited) Cannibal Apocalypsetrue- Mall Guard (uncredited) Thundertrue- Thomas's Friend 2019: After the Fall of New Yorktrue- Eurac in Junkyard (uncredited) Secret Agent Fireballtrue- Baalbek tribe leader Killers Are Challengedtrue- Mark (as Freddy Unger) The French Sex Murderstrue- Man repairing van A Special Cop in Actiontrue- Bank Driver The Left Hand of the Lawtrue- Maresciallo Celesti Hornets' Nesttrue- Merkel The Return of Hallelujatrue- Laredo Sheriff (uncredited) Mean Frank and Crazy Tonytrue- Annunziata Henchman (uncredited) Panictrue- Distraught Man Outside Cinema Blood and Black Lacetrue- The Masked Killer (uncredited) Knives of the Avengertrue Hercules Against the Moon Mentrue- Remar Who Killed the Prosecutor and Why?true- Don Salvatore's Thug (uncredited) The Slave Merchantstrue- Rabek Absurdtrue- Machine Shop Worker (uncredited) Black Box Affairtrue- Russo The Funny Face of the Godfathertrue- Don Vito Henchman Karate, Fist and Beanstrue- Freddy His Name Was Holy Ghosttrue- Ship Captain Ortega 36 Hours of Helltrue- T / Sgt. Missouri Hot Diamonds in Cold Bloodtrue- Kurt They Call Him Cemeterytrue- Gunman (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
I carabbimattitrueDirecting
André schafft sie alletrueCrew
Exterminators of the Year 3000trueDirecting
The Crazy BunchtrueDirecting
They Call Me HallelujahtrueCrew
The Black InvaderstrueDirecting
The Magnificent AdventurertrueCrew
Alone Against RometrueCrew
Musketeers of the SeatrueCrew
Concorde AffairtrueDirecting
Weapons of DeathtrueDirecting
Yor, the Hunter from the FuturetrueCrew
GermanikustrueVisual Effects
The Princess and the PaupertrueCrew
Two Brothers in TrinitytrueCrew
Rome, Armed to the TeethtrueDirecting
A Special Cop in ActiontrueCrew
The Swiss ConspiracytrueCrew
Buttiglione diventa capo del servizio segretotrueDirecting
The Return of HallelujatrueCrew
Challenge to White FangtrueCrew
Karate, Fist and BeanstrueDirecting
Pierino medico della SAUBtrueDirecting
Rome, the Other Face of ViolencetrueCrew
Rome, Armed to the TeethtrueCrew