Tito García
Tito García
Top Movie Cast
Supersonic Mantrue- George Night of the Werewolftrue- Thief The Beasts' Carnivaltrue- Compinche de El Palanqueta A Town Called Helltrue- Malhombre Gunfight at Red Sandstrue- Sanchez The Telephone Boxtrue- Chubby Man The Ugly Onestrue- Zacharias Yankee Dudlertrue- Dueño del saloon Sabata the Killertrue- Fuller Viaje a la Alcarriatrue- Hombre en tren A Train for Durangotrue- Don Pedro Arista The Ibéricas Football Clubtrue Make Crazy... Not Wartrue- Pepe Tomb of the Pistolerotrue- Cochero Rififi ad Amsterdamtrue- Ben Kill!true- Spyros Bizanthios Dream Kisstrue- El General In a Colt's Shadowtrue- Bartender (uncredited) One Dollar Too Manytrue- il complice di Garrito Ringo's Big Nighttrue- Bandit (uncredited) Man of the Cursed Valleytrue The Wild Men of Kurdistantrue The Mercenarytrue- Garcia's Cousin (uncredited) Spia spionetrue- Colombiano El robobo de la jojoyatrue- Fran Bullets Don't Arguetrue- Miguel Los autonómicostrue- Colás Queremos un hijo tuyotrue- Hermano de Martirio School of Deathtrue- Mr. Grandfield El alcalde y la políticatrue Chicas de alquilertrue- Don Cosme Foul Playtrue- Camarero racista El poder del deseotrue- Barman Dick Turpintrue- Mesonero East of Westtrue- Tafford, Blacksmith Dead Are Countlesstrue- Ted (uncredited) El libro de buen amor IItrue- Don Carnal The Secret Nights of Lucrezia Borgiatrue- Grinta Somebody's Stolen Our Russian Spytrue- Capt. Milhavikah The Scarlet Lettertrue- Church Attendant Blindmantrue- Train Engineer (uncredited) Bell from Helltrue- Don Pedro's Hunting Partner #3 Bienvenido, Mister Kriftrue Eva, limpia como los chorros del orotrue- Carnicero Robin Hood, Arrow, Beans and Karatetrue El terroristatrue- Dueño del bar The Light at the Edge of the Worldtrue- Emilio (as Tito Garcia) La moglie in bianco... l'amante al pepetrue- Giuseppe Cuando Conchita se escapa, no hay tocattatrue- Hombre maletín Challenge of the Tigertrue Naked Madridtrue- Juanito Twins from Texastrue- Jeff Aunque la hormona se vista de seda...true El apartamento de la tentacióntrue- Asistente de Barami Vente a ligar al Oestetrue Solo ante el Streakingtrue- Pedro Who's Afraid of Zorrotrue- Captain Duval For Love and Goldtrue- Filuccio Run, Run, Joe!true- Acidumuriatico Zorrotrue- Chicken Vendor (uncredited) God Forgives... I Don't!true- Tam-Tam Four Bullets for Joetrue- Jury Member El taxi de los conflictostrue- Policía casado The Man Who Killed Billy the Kidtrue- Francisco (uncredited) Fabulous Trinitytrue- Charles Wesley alias Ponzio Trinidad Fat Brothers of Trinitytrue- Charles Wesley Los conquistadores del Pacíficotrue Relevo para un pistolerotrue- O'Hara Han violado a una mujer (Tac-tac)true- Dueño del restaurante (uncredited) Cavalry Chargetrue- Fur Trader Peter Barton La otra residenciatrue- Dueño del bar Little Spanish Soldiertrue- Sargento The Naked Targettrue- Camionero 1 Black Angel of the Mississippitrue- Frank Murphy Night of Hatetrue- Fred Mulligan Seven Guns for Timothytrue- Abel