Aleksandra Danilova
Aleksandra Danilova
Top Movie Cast
Сдаётся квартира с ребёнкомtrue Tale of the Moon Outstandingtrue Moscow Does Not Believe in Tearstrue- Gosha's Neighbor Ballad of a Soldiertrue- Alyosha's Neighbor (uncredited) Air Taxitrue- zhena lotchika About Love, Friendship and Destinytrue War and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812true- (uncredited) War and Peacetrue- (uncredited) The District Secretarytrue- Uncredited The Return of Vasili Bortnikovtrue- Praskovya We Await Your Victorious Returntrue- Girl If You Are a Mantrue- Masha's mother Swineherd and Shepherdtrue The Day the War Endedtrue Story of an Unknown Actortrue The Frigid Seatrue- Настя Хинкова The Judgmenttrue- villager Peasant womantrue- fishing crew member Жизнь на грешной землеtrue- односельчанка Когда расходится туманtrue- Мария Григорьевна Forget-Me-Notstrue- Yelizaveta's Grandmother The Mysterious Monktrue- монахиня Pavlukhatrue- fisherwoman The Brothers Karamazovtrue- родственница Самсонова Third Timetrue- Sasha's mother The Cossackstrue- Lukashka's mother If You Are Righttrue- Aleksei's aunt You to Me, Me to Youtrue- train conductor (uncredited) A Noisy Daytrue- Taisiya Nikolayevna A Groom from the Right Societytrue- Vera Anatolyevna, K.U.K.U. employee Stepan Razintrue- Fima (uncredited) The Boys Were on Their Way to the Fronttrue