Eric Clawson
Eric Clawson
Top Movie Cast
The Dead Hate the Living!true- David Poe Top Movie Crew
Disney's Animation Magic: Treasure PlanettrueEditing
Discovering Treasure: The Story of 'The Treasure of the Sierra Madre'trueEditing
42nd Street: From Book to Screen to StagetrueDirecting
Gold Diggers: FDR'S New Deal... Broadway BoundtrueDirecting
Footlight Parade: Music for the DecadestrueDirecting
Footlight Parade: Music for the DecadestrueWriting
(buz'be bur'kle) n. A Study in StyletrueDirecting
(buz'be bur'kle) n. A Study in StyletrueEditing
Footlight Parade: Music for the DecadestrueEditing
(buz'be bur'kle) n. A Study in StyletrueWriting
Gold Diggers: FDR'S New Deal... Broadway BoundtrueEditing
Gold Diggers: FDR'S New Deal... Broadway BoundtrueWriting
Gold Diggers: FDR'S New Deal... Broadway BoundtrueProduction