Len Kabasinski
Len Kabasinski
Top Movie Cast
Dark Justicetrue- Tucker Monroe Red Letter Media Behind the Scenes: Space Coptrue- Self Fist of the Vampiretrue- Reno Angel of Reckoningtrue- Red's Bodyguard #1 Blood Mercurytrue- Agent Kennedy Skull Foresttrue- Steve Reminger Hellcat's Revengetrue- Snake Swamp Zombies 2true- Jack Challenge of Five Gauntletstrue- Kane Minds of Terrortrue- Larry Hellcat's Revenge II: Deadman's Handtrue- Snake Swamp Zombies!!!true- Jack Curse of the Wolftrue- Stick Wendigo: Bound by Bloodtrue- Warner Ninja: Prophecy of Deathtrue- Colt Bridal Party Massacretrue- Groomsman Warriors of the Apocalypsetrue- Largent Pact of Vengeancetrue- Jan Nowalski Space Coptrue- Space Cop (Stunt Double) Top Movie Crew
Swamp Zombies!!!trueDirecting
Warriors of the ApocalypsetrueCrew
Warriors of the ApocalypsetrueProduction
Pact of VengeancetrueDirecting
Pact of VengeancetrueProduction
Pact of VengeancetrueCrew
Pact of VengeancetrueWriting
Curse of the WolftrueDirecting
Wendigo: Bound by BloodtrueDirecting
Wendigo: Bound by BloodtrueWriting
Warriors of the ApocalypsetrueDirecting
Warriors of the ApocalypsetrueWriting
Angel of ReckoningtrueProduction
Angel of ReckoningtrueCrew
Angel of ReckoningtrueCrew
Skull ForesttrueDirecting
Fist of the VampiretrueWriting
Fist of the VampiretrueProduction
Fist of the VampiretrueDirecting
Swamp Zombies!!!trueWriting
Curse of the WolftrueWriting
Angel of ReckoningtrueDirecting
Angel of ReckoningtrueWriting
Blood MercurytrueDirecting
Hellcat's RevengetrueDirecting
Hellcat's RevengetrueWriting
Swamp Zombies 2trueDirecting
Challenge of Five GauntletstrueDirecting
Challenge of Five GauntletstrueCrew
Challenge of Five GauntletstrueWriting
Hellcat's Revenge II: Deadman's HandtrueDirecting
Bridal Party MassacretrueDirecting
Ninja: Prophecy of DeathtrueDirecting
Challenge of Five GauntletstrueLighting
Challenge of Five GauntletstrueProduction
Swamp Zombies 2trueProduction
Swamp Zombies 2trueProduction
Swamp Zombies 2trueLighting
Curse of the WolftrueProduction
Curse of the WolftrueCrew
Blood PrismtrueProduction
Swamp Zombies!!!trueProduction
Blood MercurytrueProduction
Wendigo: Bound by BloodtrueCrew
Wendigo: Bound by BloodtrueCrew
Wendigo: Bound by BloodtrueCrew
Wendigo: Bound by BloodtrueProduction
Hellcat's RevengetrueProduction
Hellcat's RevengetrueCrew
Hellcat's Revenge II: Deadman's HandtrueProduction
Hellcat's Revenge II: Deadman's HandtrueWriting
Hellcat's Revenge II: Deadman's HandtrueCrew
Ninja: Prophecy of DeathtrueWriting
Ninja: Prophecy of DeathtrueProduction
Ninja: Prophecy of DeathtrueCrew
Skull ForesttrueProduction
Skull ForesttrueProduction
Bridal Party MassacretrueProduction
Bridal Party MassacretrueWriting
Bridal Party MassacretrueCrew