
Top 7 Billed Cast

Neil Pearson
Neil Pearson

Andrew McCulloch
Andrew McCulloch

David Beames
David Beames

George Sweeney
George Sweeney

Don McKillop
Don McKillop

Robert Pugh
Robert Pugh

Clive Merrison
Clive Merrison

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    Play by Tom McClenaghan, about a routine patrol in the submarine HMS Superior. Strange, near-farcical take on tensions, eccentricities and sexuality among the crew of a Polaris submarine, on a six-week tour of duty off the coast of Faslane in Scotland. Among their number, Neil Pearson is the wily, mascara-wearing, cross-dressing messhand AB Seaman ‘Cock’ Roach, using his Bilko-esque charm to scale the naval pecking order and positively thrive in this tiny, cloistered world

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