The story revolves around a performance troupe whose performances did not achieve the expected financial profit. They seek to renew and develop the works they present by moving to an abandoned theater where they present their works based on the advice of a journalist. However, they discover that there is another troupe residing in this theatre.
Two sisters (Riya) and (Skina), start a gang to kidnap rich women with the help of Riya's husband. Skina, in an effort to avoid suspicion, try to marry a policeman who is not aware of the sisters' criminal activity.
A Kuwaiti play talks about the life of Kuwaitis in the years of poverty experienced by Kuwaitis before the economic boom in the seventies, and discusses work in a comic framework of economic and social problems, including poverty, education, and health, by dealing with the stories of work heroes.
A Kuwaiti social comedy play presented to the leaders of the Gulf states at the Gulf Summit in 1985, which was written by Abdul-Hussein Abdul-Ridha, a satirical play that discusses family issues, family bonding and religious extremism, the play talks about the loss of children and the home, neglect of parents, and who is responsible for that.
A respectable man inherits a cabaret from his brother and finds himself obliged to manage him and take care of a young girl who dreams of performing a performing dancer
Al-Soul Maslehi (Samir Ghanem) runs a prison, and his father-in-law (Zakaria Mawafi) offers to rent prison cells as hotel rooms so that he can consummate his marriage to his fiancée (Nora).
The novelist Sami Al-Bagouri finds himself in trouble when he is caught between his jealous wife Zahra and the ghost of his late wife Fekria who discovers that he took another wife.
The events of the play revolve around the problem of the similar who is used as a substitute for the original, whereby a similar is used in order to obtain a reward from a rich man and the monument on him, and this similar is trying to get close to the daughter of the rich man.
The theatrical events revolve around a comic frame about Adel (Youssef Shaaban), the handsome young man who works at the airport as an air monitor, who is linked to the engagement of Mona (Mervat Amin), the beautiful air hostess, but he loves the air hostesses ’rhythm in his love. The countryside is based on his cousin (Adel), and he is fascinated by the beauty of girls who love (Adel), and tries to imitate (Adel), but in his rural way, which generates funny comic scenes.
The lives of a down-and-out couple change dramatically when a respected businessman offers the husband an opportunity that could make all of his wife's dreams come true.
The play of the play revolves around a corrupt group that controls a remote village called (Silmar) . The security group is headed by (Muhdhar Khair). where complaints increase and reach the capital and Miss (Fatra) is nominated to reveal what is hidden.
The events revolve around a group of people inside a supermarket who went to buy their necessities, and suddenly a catastrophic event occurred in the city center that prevents them from leaving
Ayoub Gad al-Haq, "Fouad El Mohandes," a simple employee, is struck by the great resemblance between him and the husband of the deceased employer in a big trouble where the small employer's daughter is concerned, thinking that he is her father who died in an accident. The employer asks him to hire a secretary at home so that her daughter, who is not aware of the death of her father, will not be shocked. He falls in love with her, but he does not forget the fact that she is Hanim and he is just a poor employee
The rare comedy play and rak ya Zaman with the hero of Samir Ghanem