The hilarious sitcom, ‘Kollege Jeans’ was revolved around the campus life of National Arts Council (NCA). Directed by Jawad Bashir the play proved to be a turning point in the career of many talented artists including Faisal Qureshi, Ahmed Ibrahim, Samina Ahmed, Tariq Abro and Ali Zafar. The actors’ spontaneous comedy and witty comments were certainly something to watch for.
Karine and Patrick are a loving but debt-ridden couple. Their only solution is to swallow their pride and accept to sleep in Karine’s parents’ basement –with all the conditions and sacrifices the new situation brings …
Whether flying across the country to get a suspect to confess the whereabouts of a missing woman or interrogating a high school senior class president about his mother's murder, detectives can get killers to make shocking confessions. When a pastor's secret leads to an unsolved homicide and a low-budget filmmaker becomes the star in his own interrogation videos, anything can happen.
Lily is an American comedy variety show television special aired by CBS Television in 1973. The writing crew of 15 all received an Emmy Award for their efforts on this show. This program was the first of three specials, preceding Lily in 1974, and The Lily Tomlin Special in 1975.
The world of Roma and their daily lives and rituals.
A journey through America that introduces our list of the 100 best-loved books and explores the many ways in which these novels affect, reflect and connect us all.
Sara La Fountain will embark on a journey into the heart of Istanbul, the dazzling city of which she often heard in the gastronomy world. On her Istanbul adventure, Sara will embark on a spiritual as well as intellectual journey about gastronomy and cooking, and will explore the essentials of the art of cooking, culture, and centuries-old heritage.
Lin Xi Chi is a college student majoring in veterinary medicine. She is well-liked and known for being bright and cheerful, although, on the inside, she is more insecure than she would like to let on. Also attending the same university is her childhood friend, avid archer, and national defense student Xu Fang. He has had a crush on Lin XI Chi since they were both at school but has never plucked up enough courage to let her know. Although he can be quick-tempered with others, he always treats Lin Xi Chi with great tenderness.
Happy's Place was an afternoon children's television program that aired on WFFT-TV Super 55 Fox in Fort Wayne, Indiana in the 1980s and 1990s.
Forget the existing one-act dramas! Short but impactive! KBS Drama Special presents high quality single episode dramas. Dramas are the broadcast content with the widest public appeal. KBS Drama Special will produce short dramas of far-reaching impact involving at times a serious social message, unique emotions or perspectives. It will stay abreast of modern viewership.
When Henry Mann inherits The Laurels he also inherits its assorted resident oddballs, who include ill-tempered alcoholic Duncan, blonde temptress Dolly Delights and several Chinese waiters. Then comes the arrival of retired Water Board official Hamish James Ordway, a nosey parker and colossal fusspot with a flair for what he euphemistically calls 'organisation' and Mann offers him free accommodation at The Laurels in return for straightening out the chaos prevailing within...
The series revolves around the old woman (Ata) who causes problems for herself and those around her, then she enters the prison after being accused of committing a crime, and raises some crises inside the prison and causes many problems for the prison warden, whose daughter suffers from a mental illness that makes her separate from reality and lives with the mentality of a small child, and that she You'll be cured of this psychological knot after meeting Ata Which will tell stories from the past until he is cured.