The Dick Clark Show is an American musical variety show broadcast weekly in the United States on the ABC television network 7:30-8 PM on Saturdays from February 15, 1958 through September 10, 1960, sponsored by Beechnut Gum.
Forgiven is a realistic miniseries with dense atmosphere, based on Laura Manninen's novel. 30-something strong-willed Vilma falls in love with Mikko, who is perfect in many ways: a charming, polite, sensitive and sympathetically capricious man. Gradually, Vilma, who has never dreamed of children, realizes that she and Mikko have somehow become a blended family with hustle and bustle and three children. There's a dog, apple trees and beautifully aged house. Little by little, Mikko's true personality is revealed and the seemingly perfect idyll collapses. The abnormal becomes completely normal. Love, shame, fear and need to solve the problems keep Vilma in abusive relationship until the situation escalates to the poins where it's all about surviving and staying alive. The drama series Forgiven deals with love, domestic violence, shame and the culture of silence. Forgiven is a tragic love story, but also a story of survival.
A contemporary talk & entertainment show starring Zaina Juliette. Also featuring celebrity guests and upcoming talent.
Director Mitsuo Iso, winner of numerous awards for his anime series "Dennou Coil," presents his latest original anime "The Orbital Children." Set in the year 2045, when the development of AI has made it possible for anyone to go to outer space, this near-future story is about children who are left behind on a space station due to an accident and face an imminent crisis. We will closely observe the passionate production of the animation prior to the film's release! We will tell you all about the charms of the remarkable work "The Orbital Children"!
It follows an alpha male named Edward who becomes pregnant after being cursed accidentally by his wife, Yannie. After some hilarious mishaps as he navigates through life as an expectant father, Edward realizes how hard it is to be a woman and a mother and, thus, changing his attitude towards the female sex.
The agents at the all-female, Black-owned Allure Realty mix business with fun as they rule the waterfront of a hot Tampa luxury real estate market.
Rob the curious robot goes on adventures to different planets with the help of his friends Ema, TK and Orbit.
"Orpheus", always noble and well-dressed, has his own way with people. He knows how to charm men and women, how to make people trust him and open their hearts to him. After all, that's his job, professional friend!