The drama's story twists around to ask what would happen if Lee Myong Ryong was unattractive, while his servant Bang Ja Jeon was attractive? During Lee Myong Ryong's courtship with Lady Chun Hyang both parties use their servants to communicate...
Anica Reljic, a former police inspector who now works in a call center, receives a call from Sonja Tosic, a rich single mother who wants to know the identity of the person who is threatening her on the phone. As Anica investigates the threatening calls, she realizes that they are connected to a criminal group from her past life. She tries to warn Sonja, but Sonja disappears, prompting Anica and Tiana, Sonja's rebellious daughter, to go in search of her. They soon discover that Sonja may be the key to uncovering the truth behind an environmental scandal rocking the country: the mysterious poisoning of three boys.
Gripping docuseries exploring the 1986 assassination of Sweden's Prime Minister Olof Palme - a case dubbed "Europe's JFK" - and author Stieg Larsson's extraordinary investigation into the case.
Freak Show is an animated television series on Comedy Central created by H. Jon Benjamin and David Cross. The show chronicles a freak show, called the Freak Squad, which reluctantly moonlights as a group of second-rate superheroes employed by the US government. The first and only season, which consisted of seven episodes, premiered on October 4, 2006, and ended on November 16, 2006. Cross and Benjamin were executive producers in addition to voicing various characters. Radical Axis handled all aspects of production, from initial audio records and character design to final delivery of the master. The series was released on DVD on June 12, 2012.
He Lanjun a talented doctor, discovers that his son was fathered by his steward. Upon stumbling upon the information in despair he heads to the streets. Su Lianyi an owner of a brothel who brazenly has a crush on him, takes him in at his worst.