The story revolves around high school student Akira Uehara, sensitive and demure by nature. Despite that he has a large crush on the most feared and violent girl in school-Nanako Momoi, who seems fragile and cute, until she opens her mouth. One day, Uehara is made to go to Momoi's house where he meets her mad scientist grandfather and unwillingly becomes the test subject for one of his machines. Accidentally, Momoi alsogets tangled in the experiment and the two end up switching bodies. To make matters worse Momoi in Uehara's body breaks the machine (which will cost 2mil. yen to fix) as she would like more time in this body thus beginning their world full of debts and troubles.
Shiina Makoto
Senbongi Shinnosuke
Heart Boy
Heart Boy
Kawakubo Ryo is a detective on a special team. When he was a child, he lived through a difficult time. He lived in poverty and his mother's negligence led to his younger sibling's death. His mother went missing and he has been looking for her. Song Shi-On is a smart guy. He graduated from a top medical school in the United States. He happily spends time with his girlfriend, but an experimenton his brain causes him to lose his memory. Kawakubo Ryo and Song Shi-On have nothing in common but work together on a special team formed by a secret organization of police officers. They try to solve difficult cases.
This comedy-romance is about the arranged marriage between an ex-cabin attendant suffering from the pain of lost love, and an elite employee of a trading company. After resigning from her job as a cabin attendant to get married, Setsuko’s would-be fiancé runs off. Following this tragedy, Setsuko spends her days chain-smoking and drinking heavily to escape her broken heart. Meanwhile, Kotaro, an employee of a big trading company, is offered an assignment in Milan. Although Kotaro wanted the job, he had one problem: the conditions state that he needs a wife. Hastily, a date is set for the two to meet for a potential arranged marriage. Despite the fact that neither of them is looking forward to the meeting, fate has a way of bringing two doubtful souls together
Makeup contest series presented by the dazzling Pilar Rubio. Eight contestants compete armed with gloss, shadows and blush, judged by MUA David Molina and designer and influencer Camila Redondo.
At the heart of desert landscapes, once stood three giants, three builders’ masterpieces, three symbols of all powerful civilizations: Carthage, Troy and Persepolis. Their remains testify to their titanic proportions, unique designs and unprecedented constructions. But how did the Carthaginians come to create a cutting-edge hydraulic system? How did Trojans architects construct a city known to be indestructible? How did Darius I, “king of kings”, made built one of the largest palatial complexes ever? This series aims to solve the many secrets of these architectural tour-de-force. Through experts’ insights, 3D modeling and the use of ultramodern techniques (magnetic resonance, satellite scans, photogrammetry…), Ancient Megacities scrupulously explores the sites where once stood these architectural jewels, retraces step by step their construction process and tries to decipher the remaining mysteries about their disappearance.
This series takes viewers inside the world of true crime investigation through high-profile criminal cases of the past century that were ultimately solved by advances in forensic science or technology.
Kourtney and Kim Take New York is an American reality television series that premiered January 23, 2011, on E! that ran for two seasons. It follows sisters Kourtney and Kim Kardashian as they open a D-A-S-H store in New York City. Kourtney and Kim Take New York is the second spin-off of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
The drama's story twists around to ask what would happen if Lee Myong Ryong was unattractive, while his servant Bang Ja Jeon was attractive? During Lee Myong Ryong's courtship with Lady Chun Hyang both parties use their servants to communicate
Finney is a 5-hour, 6-episode made-for-British television film that follows the struggle for power between various crime families in the North of England.
Set up as a detective agency, with Jiro Sato playing the lead investigator role, this program explores Japanese history events, personas, and mysteries through on-site inspections, latest scientific discoveries, as well as experiments and simulations.
Six cash-strapped adventurers embark on a quest to collect hot spring water to re-pay their debts in this lampooning of classic Dungeons and Dragons-style video games. The party gets involved with a plot involving a white dragon who demands a human sacrifice every 10 years, and an evil mind-controlling mage.
The story follows the growth of little hero Nezha.
Yesenia is a beautiful Roma woman who lives different situations in an aimlessly fixed way with the company of her caravan. In one of her many trips she meets a military man, Osvaldo Moncada, and falls in love with him. They will have to prove that their love is stronger than their differences and social prejudice that separate them. One of the opponents of their relationship is Rashay, the patriarch of the Roma people, who opposes the relationship because the military youth does not belong to the Romani tribe.
Two brothers and police officers, Ali and Leo, have not spoken to each other for decades after a big family row. But when they suddenly become involved in an international conspiracy, they have to work together again.
The comic story of Shizuka, the eldest daughter, who lives at home, showing no signs of getting married; her mother, who is both annoyed with Shizuka, and at the same time concerned about her window of eligibility; her sister Ikumi, with whom she gets along, even though they fight; and her father, who feels henpecked in this all-female household.
Kisaragi Nana, who lived quietly in a suburban house while earning a living at an online shop that handles imported furniture and miscellaneous goods, lives with her fiance Sato Ryo. However, Ryo suddenly changes and becomes violent. Afterwards, she strangles Ryo. She hides the corpse in an old freezer in the storeroom and her free life would soon begin, however...