Unlike the main television anime series which is mostly set in modern-day Japan, the new series will be a "sealed room" suspense comedy set 100 years in the future. The story begins when Shinnosuke and the entire Nohara family wake up from cold sleep to find themselves aboard a space ship drifting in space. The anime will depict the various events that take place inside the ship.
A solar flare has awakened Spark Dolls from the depths of the earth and the ocean! Fifteen years later, Daichi Ozora transforms into Ultraman X to battle threats from both aliens and monsters. He is also a member of Xio, a team created to battle the monstrous threats.
Inspector Carlos and his loyal companion, the friendly dog Lobo, fight crime while patrolling Brazil's highways in a Simca Chambord or a powerful Harley Davidson motorcycle.
Haraguchi Motoko works as a temp at a bank. To pay off debt that she inherited from her parents, she also works as a hostess at a club in Ginza. Motoko Haraguchi is finally able to repay the debt. At this time, there's chatter that the temp employees will be laid off at the bank. Motoko Haraguchi decides to carry out a scheme she has prepared secretly. She transfers money from accounts opened illegally to her bank account. Altogether, Motoko Haraguchi embezzles 180 million yen. Using her “Kurokawa no Techo” (Black Leather Notebook) which has a list of the illegally opened accounts, she fights against bank branch managers and opens a club in Ginza.
When Keith Warren, a Black man, was found hanging in the woods of Silver Spring, MD, police ruled it a suicide. For 35 years, the family attempted to find the truth, and his sister, Sherri Warren, now has one goal -- to get his death certificate changed.
Investigating murders that intersect with Playboy, exposing the pitfalls of fame for those appearing on their pages and forcing audiences to question everything they thought they knew about one of America's most recognizable publications.
W.E.B. is an American TV series that aired for less than a month on NBC in 1978.
Jigsaw John is an American crime drama television series that aired from February 2 until June 14, 1976.
Akiho Takeda is assigned to #3 investigation team for The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. On her first day at work, a burglary takes place at a jewelry store in Shibuya. The case though is taken by the #1 investigation team which Akiho hoped to join. Nevertheless, Akiho goes secretly to the jewelry store where the theft took place. Later, a safe at a jewelry store in Roppongi is broken into. Stolen from the safe is the diamond called "Besu". The "Besu" is one of three diamonds that makes up the "Kuraida Family's Three Sisters". The other two diamonds are "Ani" and "Kyasari". The diamond "Ani" was stolen from the jewelry store in Shibuya, that occurred a few days earlier. Several people believe the two diamond thefts were done by the same person(s), but Akiho mentions the techniques used by thieves are different. Yet, Akiho believes there must be a connection between the two cases.
Heroes can pop out of their comic books when summoned in this comedic action-adventure.
This drama tells the story of Ding Junjie, the deputy general manager of a cosmetics company, and Ying Jiaming, the son of the cynical chairman of the board. Though the two originally have a tit-for-tat, cat and mouse relationship, they gradually come to know and understand one another.
Fun House is a British children's game show produced by Scottish Television and based on the American show, that aired on CITV from 24 February 1989 to 29 December 1999. It usually aired on Fridays. It was hosted by Pat Sharp, who was also aided by twin cheerleaders, Melanie Grant supporting the red team and Martina Grant supporting the yellow team. The announcer was Gary King. The theme tune was composed by David Pringle and Bob Heatlie.