The story follows Aya from the time she moves to Tokyo at age 23 up until she turns 40. Aya has to adjust to the different values and perceptions of the big city as she struggles with challenging situations. We get to follow Aya’s move from one neighborhood to another as she maneuvers her career and love life.
A terrible child kidnapping incident takes place in a mansion complex, where only the top 1% of the most luxurious population reside. With no time to be shocked, the child returns dead and the killer is unknown. However, this incident was just the start of a tragedy. While the crowd is hiding the truth, there are some who start to reveal the twisted hypocrisy and ugly secret inside the mansion.
A mockumentary featuring an animated tale of an average person who slowly becomes an otaku (obsessive fanatic) and eventually becomes the "Otaking"! Between story segments, live action interviews with fictional die-hard otakus take place.
Saleenda, the daughter of a small town governor, disguises herself as a man in order to help her father out of jail, after he was wrongly accused of something he didn’t commit. She went to work for Chet, who is now the governor, and ask him for his help to find justice for her father.
The story of Kishi Keiichitaro, a dashingly handsome pathologist who is intensely eccentric and brutally honest, but also holds one of the most brilliant minds. A pathologist is a physician whose job is to determine a diagnosis of disease or cause of death based on an assortment of data, including a patient's tissue, bodily fluids, organ samples, blood, etc.
Hosts Ryan & Shane discuss mysteries surrounding notorious unsolved crimes.
The series talks about the calligrapher minister Ibn Muqla and his work in the court of the Abbasid Caliphs.
The Jacksons is an American variety show featuring the Jackson siblings. It was the first variety show where the entire cast were siblings. As with the Jackson 5 regular performances, Michael Jackson was the lead performer in musical and dance performances. The thirty-minute Wednesday evening show began airing on CBS as a summer 1976 show and it continued into the 1976–1977 season, finishing on March 9, 1977 after running for 12 episodes.
Chika Tsuchiya is a female detective in the former accounting department. It's a habit never let go of the calculator & always convert things into money.
A professional wrestling program showcasing the best of WWE's UK division.