Celebrity Name Game is an American syndicated game show which premiered on September 22, 2014. Based on the board game Identity Crisis (created by Laura Robinson and Richard Gerrits), the series was developed by Courteney Cox and David Arquette's Coquette Productions, and was originally pitched as a primetime series for CBS with Craig Ferguson as host. The series was later picked up by FremantleMedia and Debmar-Mercury as a syndicated series for 2014 with Ferguson, who left The Late Late Show on December 19, 2014, remaining as host as well as an executive producer. The series marks Coquette's first foray into game shows. The show was subsequently renewed for a second season, which premiered on September 21, 2015.
Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The show is set in Rome and follows the love story between a single father, Paolo Giorgi, and a single mother, Laura Del Fiore, and the adventures of the extended family that originates from their relationship. The main characters are Paolo Giorgi and his daughter Cristina, Laura Del Fiore and her son Emanuele and her daughter Nina. Around these main characters develops the story of their grandparents, their uncles and aunts, their colleagues and friends.
Little Dracula is a British series of children's books and an American animated television series that originally aired on FOX. Little Dracula revolves around a green-skinned child vampire who aspires to be like his father, Big Dracula, yet also enjoys rock 'n roll and surfing.
A story about unlocking the years of hurt and resentment that has caused the strained relationship between Xiao Dingquan and his father, the King. Despite his position as the crown prince, Xiao Dingquan (Luo Jin) was unloved and unfavored by his own father (Huang Zhizhong). Through countless incidents, he has grown into a man of wisdom and courage. After Qi Wang (Jin Han) was sent into exile, Xiao Dingquan intended to leave peacefully with Lu Wenxi (Li Yitong) but discovers that she is being threatened by unknown forces. Xiao Dingquan no longer wishes to be caught in the endless infighting and rife and hopes to settle the dispute through Zhao Wang's marriage. Xiao Dingquan and Lu Wenxi join hands with Xu Changping (Wang Yu) to change the tides in their favor in order to find the mastermind. As the news of Gu Silin's death spreads and Xiao Dingquan sets out to Changzhou to control the situation, the king finally shows remorse as he apologizes to Xiao Dingquan.
Tale of a bittersweet relationship between stepmother and daughter.
Career retrospectives with preeminent actors who explore the process and profession with an audience of fellow artists.
The cast of Arg Life take it up another notch with another laughter-inducing story that continues the format of using 5-minute comedy sketches per episode.
2017 World's Strongest Man winner, Eddie Hall, tours the land of pig-out feasts – on a quest to conquer the biggest and best eye-watering food and physical challenges in the USA.
The story of Sayed (Fahmy), who comes from a poor background and marries a well-off woman, and gets in trouble when a family member cons a sum of money and involves him unwillingly.
Karine and Patrick are a loving but debt-ridden couple. Their only solution is to swallow their pride and accept to sleep in Karine’s parents’ basement –with all the conditions and sacrifices the new situation brings …
Two royal houses battle for the power to rule the Kingdom of Fir. In order to secure the Kingdom, two representatives go back in time to find the mythical Firebird, which will allow its bearer to become the rightful ruler.
The Milkshake! Show is a series about the presenters of Milkshake! living in a house with their house pets. Every so often, you're invited into their home and they go on challenges, play games, tell jokes, and visit the Little Lodgers (claymation versions of the characters).