Battleground is a mockumentary comedy-drama television series created by J. D. Walsh streamed on Hulu. The show follows a group of political campaign staffers working to elect a dark horse candidate to the U.S. Senate in the battleground state of Wisconsin. Walsh serves as executive producer alongside Hagai Shaham and Marc Webb. The show marks Hulu's first foray into original scripted programming. It premiered online on February 14, 2012.
Discover the future of fashion in this ultimate insider competition. Follow 10 up and coming designers as they compete to join the ranks of previous Fashion Fund winners such as Alexander Wang and Proenza Schouler. Each week the designers will be tested and judged by fashion's elite, including Vogue's Anna Wintour and designer Diane Von Furstenberg, for a chance to win $400,000 and a mentorship.
Through short documentary episodes, key features of The Last of Us are shown.
Macauley is a swagman on the road in the 1940s looking for work. He's a laid back, laconic sort of bloke but when he gets landed with his daughter after his drunken play-girl wife in Adelaide makes him face up to what she believes are his responsibilities, neither he nor his daughter are ready for each other. But in the beginning he's all she's got, and at the end, she's all he's got.
The series of stories of girls in a romantic comedy about the lives of 4 girls, including friendship, love and success at work.
In Al-Batniya neighborhood, a drug dealer owns a wood factory as a cover for his drug trading. His daughter marries a police officer against his will, while his son falls in love with a poor girl whom he marries in secret. But when his father wants to separate them, she seeks revenge.
The Pat Sajak Show is an American late-night television talk show which aired on CBS from January 9, 1989 to April 13, 1990.
After wrecking his car in a deserted road in the middle of the forest and being found with the blood and mobile phone of his niece, successful criminal lawyer Daniel Elias can no longer remember who he is but must find a way to prove his innocence, even though he does not know whether he is guilty or not.
Ex-couples are brought together for one night in a multi-camera-rigged one-bedroom apartment, with no producers and no interruptions, to hash out their unresolved issues. Viewers witness startling confessions, wild hook ups, and shocking resolutions in a format where anything can – and does – happen.
In a pioneering series that reveals the inner workings of the legal system, a fictional murder case is tried in a real court, by eminent legal professionals and a jury of 12 members of the public.
Struggling from the collapse of his career and a sudden unsurmountable tax debt, American immigrant George English stumbles onto the fact that there is a 50 million SEK reward for solving the murder of Olof Palme. He assembles a crew of misfits to assist him as he begins to imagine that solving this seemingly unsolvable crime of the century could be the answer to all of his problems, but as the deeper they go into the labyrinth the more dangerous their journey becomes.
The Friendly Giant is a popular Canadian children's television program that aired on CBC Television from September 1958 through to March 1985. It featured three main characters: a giant named Friendly, who lived in a huge castle, along with his puppet animal friends Rusty and Jerome. The two principal puppets were manipulated and voiced by Rod Coneybeare.