Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman is a Japanese anime television series created by studio TMS Entertainment, based on the CR Ginroku Gijinden Roman pachinko game, with original character designs by Lupin III creator Monkey Punch. In the fantasy historical story, the main character is a "helper" named Manjirou by day and a phantom thief "retriever" named Roman by night. Roman steals back people's precious items that were unfairly taken from them.
Night Raid 1931, is a Japanese anime television series produced by A-1 Pictures and Aniplex and directed by Jun Matsumoto. The 13-episode anime aired in Japan on the TV Tokyo television network starting April 5, 2010. Senkō no Night Raid is the second project of Anime no Chikara. Sentai Filmworks acquired the series and released it on Blu-ray and DVD in August 2011.
People's Century is a television documentary series examining the 20th century. It was a joint production of the BBC in the United Kingdom and PBS member station WGBH Boston in the United States. First shown on BBC in 1995, the 26 parts of one hour deal with the socio-economic, political, and cultural movements that shaped the 20th century. The documentary won an International Emmy Award, among others. A departure from other documentaries that observe history as the actions of great men, People's Century considers the Century from the view of common people. Most persons interviewed were ordinary men and women who closely witnessed various events and they give personal accounts how developments in the Twentieth Century affected their lives. The opening credits depict various images from the century, accompanied with a theme music score by Zbigniew Preisner. A very short introduction of the episode would then follow, often illustrated by a dramatic event that illustrates the episode's particular theme coming to the fore. The British version was narrated by Sean Barrett and Veronika Hyks, the American by actors John Forsythe and Alfre Woodard. People's Century was coproduced by the BBC and WGBH with executive producers Peter Pagnamenta and Zvi Dor-Ner, respectively; along with producer David Espar.
a troubled 47 year old man struggles with a love life…
Sandra West is a sultry and lethal freelance spy and ex agent of T.H.E.M., who plays by her own rules in a world of danger and intrigue.
Within 3 episodes, this documentary analyze how French presidents of the 5th republic reacted to 3 modern challenges: the streets, changing customs, and terrorism.
In May 2011, the girls Headlines Tour was subject to a special Tour Documentary which was broadcasted on Channel 4. Each member of the group had their own episode.
Yuan Dynasty, the emperor perverse, times of hardship. Popular among the real thing about coming out to overthrow the Yuan Dynasty prophecy , Han Linger , You Liang are considered to be the real thing, but actually born at the same emperor is the real thing. The court was informed that the rumors in an attempt to stifle the real thing. The emperor was born poor childhood that is specific place, he Chrysostom opened, there are always all sorts of visions occur. Yuan army to kill in order to avoid the search, he be subjected Royal Abbey. With the girl next door Ma Xiu Ying childhood private life, but was forced to break up Ma elders. Fortunately, to get to know Da FORCES Chang Yu Chun and other brothers, and was his assistant Liu Bowen, people seek refuge Guo Xing, its mission to save the world.
The suspenseful story is set in the heart surgery department of a university hospital. Ishihara plays a medical trainee aiming to become a heart surgeon, while holding doubts about the real cause of the death of her father, who died during an operation.
Katya RuCalls real experiences that may or may not have happened in the past on RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars 2. New episodes every Friday!
In Star century Zero-One-Sixty-Five, the Global Union was born. The G.O.T.T. was simultaneously formed to settle disputes amongst the member planets. Existing in the shadows, the ES Force serves as the primary law enforcement organization, seeing that the Galactic Organization’s orders are enforced. ES Force members Éclair and Lumiere are on the front line, pursuing all manner of criminals and bringing them to justice. This is their story.