Agent Anna is a New Zealand Comedy-drama television series, created by Maxine Fleming with Vanessa Alexander and devised by Robyn Malcolm. Produced by Great Southern Film and Television and funded by NZ On Air and Television New Zealand. It began airing its first series of six episodes in New Zealand on 31 January 2013. It was confirmed on 12 August 2013 that the show had been renewed for a second series of 10 episodes.
Single Ladies is an American comedy-drama television series on VH1 that debuted on May 30, 2011, as a two-hour television film. Created by Stacy A. Littlejohn and produced by Queen Latifah's Flavor Unit Entertainment, the series chronicles the lives of three friends — Val, Keisha and April — and their relationships.
Hua Long, Su Mei, Bao Zhan and Professor Liang comprise the SIG (Special Investigation Group). This group deals with the extremely abnormal and twisted investigations of homicide cases that are difficult to crack. In the process of solving the cases, each member must face their own dangers, conspiracy and growth.
During the winter, Yuichi was hospitalized due to hepatitis. Randomly he would try to escape from the hospital but would get beat up by the nurse. One day, he happened to meet Rika, a girl of his age, in the next building. He was fascinated by her beauty, but she was very selfish girl. Although she led him by the nose, he began to be attracted by her. However, when Rika told him about her illness, he knew why she acted so selfish; she didn't have long to live.
From the western steppes of China to the moors of Northern Europe, well-preserved ancient humans continue to be found, and with each comes a unique and compelling glimpse into life in the past.
Bailey Kipper's P.O.V. is a US children's television series that aired in 1996 on CBS Saturday Mornings, starring Michael Galeota, John Achorn and Meg Wittner. It lasted for only 13 episodes of 30 mins length each and received airings on the BBC's CBBC programming strand as well as on Nickelodeon in the UK. The show has not yet been released on VHS or DVD. The series was one of the first efforts by CBS to comply with the then-new E/I ratings.
A quiet villa in a scenic village of Goa, Agonda but a murder changes everything! Secrets, mysteries, plotting, heart-breaks and chaos, everything will unleash. Will the culprit be caught or will innocents suffer?
Bibliothek der Sachgeschichten is a long-running German information series, broadcast between 1969 and 2010.
Sometimes best friends like all the same things. But what happens when one of those things is the same man? The friendship of two college friends – Jia-en and Shao-qing – falls apart when they fall in love with the same man, Yan Hao. After a devastating family accident, it seems there is a resolution in the love triangle; Jia-an and Yan Hao get married. But ten years later, when they reunite once more, Yan Hao realizes that he is with the wrong woman and tries to make things right.
Sitcom set in Sports Depot, a fictional sports shop in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire following the antics of Russell, a confirmed sneakerhead, and his fellow long-suffering employees.
This drama about a group of people from diverse backgrounds who live together in a share house in Yeonnam-dong.
Shima Shima Tora no Shimajirō is a Japanese anime show aimed at preschoolers. The series debuted on December 13, 1993. Shimajiro was formed in 1988, followed by Kodomo Charenji. It was featured on the E! "The Soup" segment.
The comically-absurd tales of students on the top floor of Wayside, a quirky grammar school that was accidentally built 30-stories high.