Iron Chef is a Japanese television cooking show produced by Fuji Television. The series, which premiered on October 10, 1993, is a stylized cook-off featuring guest chefs challenging one of the show's resident "Iron Chefs" in a timed cooking battle built around a specific theme ingredient. The series ended on September 24, 1999, although occasional specials were produced until 2002. The series aired 309 episodes. Repeats are regularly aired on the Cooking Channel in the United States and on Special Broadcasting Service in Australia. Fuji TV will air a new version of the show, titled Iron Chef, beginning in October 26, 2012.
Iron Chef America: The Series is an American cooking show based on Fuji Television's Iron Chef, and is the second American adaptation of the series, following the failed Iron Chef USA. The show is produced by Food Network, which also carried a dubbed version of the original Iron Chef. Like the original Japanese program, the program is a culinary game show. In each episode, a new challenger chef competes against one of the resident "Iron Chefs" in a one-hour cooking competition based on a secret ingredient or ingredients, and sometimes theme. The show is presented as a successor to the original Iron Chef, as opposed to being a remake. The Chairman is portrayed by actor and martial artist Mark Dacascos, who is introduced as the nephew of the original Japanese chairman Takeshi Kaga. The commentary is provided solely by Alton Brown, & Kevin Brauch is the floor reporter. The music is written by composer Craig Marks, who released the soundtrack titled "Iron Chef America & The Next Iron Chef" by the end of 2010. In addition, regular ICA judge and Chopped host Ted Allen provided additional floor commentary for two special battles: Battle First Thanksgiving and Battle White House Produce.
Rising culinary talents battle Brazil’s best chefs to be named Iron Legend in this exhilarating competition hosted by Fernanda Souza and Andressa Cabral.
The first 40 days of the war in Iraq as seen through the eyes of an elite group of U.S. Marines who spearheaded the invasion along with an embedded Rolling Stone reporter. A vivid account of the soldiers and of the forces that guided them in an often-improvised initiative.
North of 60 is a mid-1990s Canadian television series depicting life in the sub-Arctic northern boreal forest. It first aired on CBC Television in 1992 and was syndicated around the world. It is set in the fictional community of Lynx River, a primarily Native-run town depicted as being in the Dehcho Region, Northwest Territories. Most of the characters were Dene. Some non-native characters had important roles: the restaurant/motel owner, the band manager, the nurse and the town's main RCMP officer. The show explored themes of Native poverty, alcoholism, cultural preservation and conflict over land settlements and natural resource exploitation. Originally somewhat light-hearted, it quickly became a more dramatic and ponderous series.
The second season of "Poetry Sans Frontiers" continues to convey the spirit of poetry through the form of documentary "video prose poetry", so that people from different countries, different nationalities and different languages can feel that no matter how the world changes, we can all stand together in the name of poetry.
After a series of unlucky, interconnected events, a woman loses everything, but soon begins to find love and redemption against all odds.
This story revolves around the lives of three teenagers, Berg, Pete and Sharon and how their lives are entwined. It further deals with the bonds they share with each other.
Hardball with Chris Matthews is an American television talk show on MSNBC, broadcast weekdays at 7 PM ET hosted by Chris Matthews. It originally aired on now-defunct America's Talking and later CNBC. The current title was derived from a book Matthews wrote in 1988, Hardball: How Politics Is Played Told by One Who Knows the Game. Hardball is a talking-head style cable news show where the moderator advances opinions on a wide range of topics, focusing primarily on current political issues. These issues are discussed with a panel of guests that usually consists of political analysts and sometimes include politicians. It also runs in a "Best of" format Saturday mornings at 5 AM.
When he was a little child, Halil İbrahim lost his father due to a blood feud and was exiled to Istanbul. Twenty years later, he returns to his homeland in the Karadeniz region as a handsome, powerful young man. He plans to marry the girl he loves, Yasemin, and start a new life. However, events do not allow this. Halil İbrahim embarks on a journey of revenge, and his life will change completely when he encounters Zeynep from the Leto family.
After a wild, passionate night at a bar, Mangkorn and Yai's fate becomes inseparably intertwined. Yai, the owner of the bar, decides to completely renovate the place so that he can erase the memories of the sinful night. But it just so happens that the designer in charge of the renovation is none other than Mangkorn himself! Like dragon and tiger, the two of them cannot be more at odds with each other. But now that they've become work partners, will they be able to let go of their grudges and turn their hostility into love?
GRU intelligence lieutenant colonel Ilya Orlov, nicknamed "Monk", interrupted his military career after 15 years of service and... went to a monastery. However, he soon realized that non-resistance to evil was not for him and returned to worldly life, taking a job as a taxi driver.
After seven years each of marriage, two thirty-something women of contrasting outlooks decide that it's high time their husbands took more notice of them.
Katerina grew up with the idea that she would die young. This made her hypochondriac. Now, at the age of 33, she learns from Alexandros, a neurologist, that she has only six months. But instead of collapsing, she feels free.
Mike McNeil is a decorated New York City detective whose toughest assignment is himself. He's struggling to balance a challenging personal life with a job that leaves him wondering on a daily basis if he is the last sane person in New York. His unconventional approach to his job makes him a great cop, even on the most trying days. The only thing he can't figure out is why, if he's the only sane guy around, everyone's always looking at him like he's crazy.
Viewers ask their craziest science questions, then it’s up to Gus Sorola and Chris Demarais to match wits with evolutionary biologist Sally Le Page in search of an answer. No science theory is too dumb, but someone on this panel probably is. (It's Chris.)
Super Rookie is a story of a man who gets a job in a big company because of a computer error. The drama reveals his work, love and passions in life in a very interesting way. Our hero Kang Ho doesn’t have a family background that makes him stand out among the crowd, but he has plenty of friends who will stand up for him. He never gets discouraged despite all of life’s difficulties. Kang Ho’s high spirits and Mi-ok’s efforts to improve her life give today’s younger generation a chance to look at their own lives and ponder what’s truly valuable.