Kisaragi Nana, who lived quietly in a suburban house while earning a living at an online shop that handles imported furniture and miscellaneous goods, lives with her fiance Sato Ryo. However, Ryo suddenly changes and becomes violent. Afterwards, she strangles Ryo. She hides the corpse in an old freezer in the storeroom and her free life would soon begin, however...
The program follows the daily lives of 16 contestants, who live on a farm, where they will have to carry out all the activities inherent to the normal functioning of the farm, having to demonstrate the best spirit of survival and find the best way to overcome all obstacles. adversities. But there is competition: nominations will take place weekly and are based on the results of the tests proposed throughout the week, directly or by vote of the remaining participants. In the eviction show participants, with the exception of nominees, vote to eliminate one of the nominees, with the one who gathers the most votes being expelled. The winner will be decided by the public.
It's the year 3034. Everyone on Earth has become an emotionless drone set on colonizing the solar system. Their lack of emotion makes them a fearless and remorseless race that destroys without conscience. An alien race called the Reptids, intent on releasing a biological weapon to reawaken our emotions.
Hopla is a Flemish 3D animation for toddlers, created by Bert Smets in 1999, and produced by Bert Smets Productions. The cartoon features the rabbit Hopla and his friends – the pig Onki, the bear Nina, and the kitten Lola. The show was first aired on Ketnet, a Flemish television channel, in 2000, and became popular soon afterward. Currently, the show has been aired in 31 countries. It airs in the United States due to an exclusive multi-year distribution deal between Bert Smets Productions and NCircle Entertainment, a subsidiary of Alliance Entertainment, signed in 2007. ⁕This series was currently one of many programs aired on BabyFirstTV, Ready Set Learn, a premium cable and satellite television channel. Each mini-episode is about five minutes. There is no dialogue, except for Hopla saying his own name. The show is aimed for kids of ages between 0-2 years. In Belgium alone, Hopla's home entertainment titles have sold over 300,000 copies and their book-related merchandise has garnered sales close to 700,000.
The ultimate access to the ultimate champion. Meet the man who ruined the game and follow Stephen Curry's journey on and off the court.
A psychologist develops a particular and extreme couples therapy.
Three Swedes: an Organizer, a Designer, and a Psychologist – known as the Death Cleaners - have come to America to help people face mortality and remind us all the ways we are alive.
Matsuoka plays the role of Ogure Teppei, a 35-year-old policeman who dreams of being promoted to the First Investigation Division. One day, he suddenly slips back in time to 22 years...
Four friends become guardians of the island Gorm and must harness powers of the elements to stop an evil lord and his army from ruling the kingdom.