Allen Gregory is a short-lived American animated television series that aired on Fox from October 30 to December 18, 2011. The series was created by Jonah Hill, Andrew Mogel and Jarrad Paul. The series was officially cancelled by Fox on January 8, 2012.
Survival expert Bear Grylls puts himself into potentially life-threatening situations to show the how-to, hands-on, step-by-step instructions on everything you may need to know when faced with a worst case scenario.
Australia's aviation history is a saga of daring feats, can-do attitude, pig-headed visionaries, iron-fisted politicians and warring pilots; of humble beginnings and mega deals.
An exciting new series of episodes, including four brand new tales from Maisy's farm. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, whatever the season it's always a busy time on the farm. Join Farmer Maisy and all her friends as they help with the animals, tend to the crops and bring in the harvest. On Maisy's farm the fun never stops! Plus there are six other exciting adventures to enjoy. Episodes: Spring • Summer • Autumn • Winter Duckling • Breakfast • Toot toot • Shopping • Bugs • Mountain
Human beings have been exploring the profound meaning of nature. We explore the way of harmonious coexistence between people, animals and nature by exploring various extreme natural landforms and the life on this land. This time, we crossed the different ecology in the four corners of China, and tried to communicate with heaven and earth by exploring four awesome animals, by trying to feel them. They used to be totems in ancient times, and they were the animals at the top of the food chain - the Siberian tiger, the king of the forest, the white dolphin, the sea elf, the giant Asian elephant in the rainforest, and the wild yak, the messenger of the snow mountain. These four animals, known as flagship species, coexist with heaven and earth, coexist with human beings, and help human beings to dialogue with nature in a special way. The Land of the Gods is where those magical communications take place.
Comedy Now! is a Canadian comedy television series which debuted in 1997 featuring the newest in Canadian comedic talent. The show has won numerous Gemini Awards as well as many international awards. It is broadcast in Canada on The Comedy Network and CTV. In the United States, the program airs on Comedy Central. The show has started the careers of notable Canadian comedians, including Brent Butt, Gavin Crawford, Shaun Majumder, Russell Peters, and Harland Williams and has showcased comedians like Eric Tunney.
In 1936, a member of a patriotic organization named Huang Weijie goes on a mission and happens to meet a patriotic businessman, Feng Guanyu. The two were childhood friends who were separated due to a misunderstanding. Feng Guanyu insists that Huang Weijie become his bodyguard. Despite their constant conflicts, they share a common ideal of justice in the face of adversity and join forces to dedicate themselves to patriotic causes.
Ai-oon is the disappointing twin of successful and beloved Ob-oom. They aren't close. On Ob-oom's wedding night, she takes Ai-oon aside and makes a request of her. Ob-oon and her husband Paul will be going away for their honeymoon and she'll be leaving something important behind: a lover, May, she hasn't broken up with—and she wants Ai-oon to do it for her. In the early morning following the wedding, Ai-oon learns that the newlyweds got into an accident. Paul has passed away and Ob-oom is in a coma. When Ai-oon decides to fullfil her sister's request, she's shocked to learn that May is both blind and a woman. She finds herself unprepared to complete the task.
Sang-min wants success in life, and in pursuit of success, he abandons his ten-year relationship with Ja-yeong to marry his boss’ daughter, Min-ju. Ja-yeong finds herself pregnant and raising a child alone. When Sang-min finds out, the battle over custody of child begins. This drama became a number one hit and captured more than 30% of viewers during its broadcast while unraveling the mysteries of waiting, forgiveness and above all - the value of love.
Outland is a six-part comedy series about a gay science fiction fan club and the lives, loves and never-ending dramas of its five members. There’s Max, insecure and looking for love; the sexually-adventurous, muffin-baking Andy; Rae, the moral centre and unofficial head of the group; the high-camp, high-maintenance Fab; and the wealthy, socially-inept Toby. Every meeting collapses into chaos. Fault-lines within the group are exposed and secrets and skeletons come crashing out of the closet. Can science fiction save them all? Outland is a series about belonging, no matter who you are, and how everyone searches to find a place to fit in.
Quickstep on the gas! Craig Revel Horwood and Bruno Tonioli are exploring some of the country’s most iconic and best loved road trips in this brand new six-part series, as the two great friends leave the dancefloor behind to enjoy some spectacular sights around beautiful Britain.
CNBC Tonight is a weeknight business news programme broadcast live from 1800 - 2000 HK/SG/TWN time on CNBC Asia from 16 February 2005 to 16 December 2005. It took the timeslot vacated by 3 former CNBC Asia programmes, Business Center, The Asian Wall Street Journal and e. The two-hour programme combined the mix of Asian and global news headlines, corporate news and personal finance. It also featured upscale lifestyle features on travel, health, food and leisure. CNBC Tonight was co-hosted by May Lee and Teymoor Nabili.