Les Rescapés is a Canadian television drama series, which debuted on Télévision de Radio-Canada in the 2010-11 television season. The series stars Roy Dupuis and Guylaine Tremblay as Gérald and Monique Boivin, the patriarch and matriarch of a family from 1960s-era Montreal who find themselves mysteriously transported into 2010. The cast also includes Maxim Gaudette, Ève Lemieux, Antoine L'Écuyer, Benoît Girard, Céline Bonnier and Yan England.
An evil organisation that creates superpowered reanimated humans known as Proxies want to recover a flash drive contains secret data from Ashens, his neighbour Tom and a unique Proxy.
Marty Markham, a rich orphan attends summer camp at a dude ranch where he becomes best friends with Spin Evans.
Age old rivalry between two head honchos of Puri, Babu Jena and Loka Nana that leads to the creation of a new Nana in town and ultimately ignites a deadly blood feud.
The story of the advertising agency employees and their confused president trying to cope with the capricious customers, troubled celebrities and the crises they face every day.
Pete and Dud reunite after 20 years apart to introduce a six part trip to memory lane. Of all the material from their 1965-1970 television shows which had not been wiped by the British Broadcasting Corporation, the two of them selected their favourite sketches and routines to be broadcast once more for the benefit of an entirely new generation.
Following the Transport for London staff and police officers who keep London's road system from freezing up entirely under the immense pressure of millions of commuters.
Edgar plans to exact revenge to Leon by charming and seducing all the women in his life.
Luisa Fernanda is a Venezuelan telenovela that was produced by and seen on Venezuela's Radio Caracas Televisión. The writers of this telenovela are Xiomara Moreno, Luis Colmenares, Rossana Negrín, Xiomara Moreno. Its directors were Otto Rodríguez and Mateo Manaure. This telenovela lasted 130 episodes and was distributed internationally by RCTV International. It was a very loose version of the 1988's successful telenovela, Abigail.
Seven shooting stars from a distant galaxy have fallen to the Earth. Each of them has one of the rainbow colors and tremendous powers. Doctor Kishida and doctor Mishina got three of them, red, blue and green, in secret. After a long research, they control their powers using a helmet known as "Musumet". These helmets have special functions: they amplify their user's strenght and give him super powers. The two scientists create the secret organization "MET" to use the Musumet's power for world peace and protect the Earth from any posible damage caused by the remaining four stars. However, doctor Mishina and his wife die and their three daughters, Aoi, Midori and Kurenai make the decision to be the Musumets. The three sisters have to battle for the world peace, while the deal with common teenagers problems, like school, love or the three rich arrogant and plastic sisters Marcia, Kou and Shion Saotome.