Brian Sandberg
Life's Work is an American situation comedy series that aired from September 1996 to June 1997 on the ABC channel; the show stars Lisa Ann Walter as Lisa Ann Minardi Hunter, an assistant district attorney in Baltimore. Lisa Ann always wanted to practice law since she was young because she always argued with her parents. She also had a basketball coach husband named Kevin Hunter who served as the patriarch of the family. Together, they raised a 7-year-old daughter Tess and a toddler son named Griffin. During the entire run of the series, a simple electric guitar instrumental solo was used as the show's opening theme. Laugh tracks were used in all episodes in the sitcom as it was filmed "live before a studio audience." During the 1990s, it was common to give stand-up comedians their own sitcom on TV; even if their first one had flopped. Lisa Ann Walter was a stand-up comedian who played a mouthy feminist who could stand up to her mother in addition to her superiors at work. While Lisa Ann's character had plenty of zingers to her, there was still a sense of "been-there-done-that" with her character. In one of the episodes, Lisa Ann claimed to have a sexual affair with then-current American President Bill Clinton.
Twelve-year-old Sandy goes on adventures with her koala friends Blinky and Pinky, who are from the extra-dimensional realm of Koalawalla Land.
A math genius gets recruited by Chinese spy agency to crack a complex coded message in the early republican era.
Mars is discovered on a forming volcano island, Heisei; a man with no memory. In reality, Mars is from outer space, and is supposed to gather information to decide whether Earth should be destroyed or not. Along with the giant robot Gaia, and his mysterious images of a woman urging him not to destroy the world, Mars decides to fight for Earth rather than destroy it, even if it means fighting his own kind. But if Mars is killed, Gaia will explode, destroying Earth along with it.
A Japanese TV drama starring a full Hello! Project cast. The drama also featured Sakurada Dori, and former Hello! Project members Iida Kaori, Yasuda Kei, Ishikawa Rika, Kikkawa Yuu and Saho Akari. A mathematics genius girl Machida Nina (Tanaka Reina) starts in a new school and attempts to find her elder sister who vanished from said school one year ago. The story, developed with the cooperation of the International Mathematical Olympiad in Japan, set at a specialized math school, where Tanaka Reina and Michishige Sayumi both take on the roles of “Suugaku Joshi” (“math girls”). Naturally, the show incorporates various mathematical functions and formulas into the story and dialogue.
Porkpie was a British sitcom on Channel 4 television starring Ram John Holder as Augustus "Porkpie" Grant. It was a spinoff from Desmond's. Porkpie kept several key characters from Desmond's and in the first episode Grant was seen standing outside the barbershop Desmond used to run, saying: "Desmond, since you died it hasn't stopped raining. I know how much you used to say it can rain in England, and it's true. Must be one of two things: either a thousand angels weeping for you, or you having a good drink up in heaven and you spilling it all over the place."
Elvira's unambitious job is to answer the phone at a brothel owned by her childhood friend and policeman, Køster. However, when a prostitute goes missing, Elvira feels an urge to investigate, which leads to dramatic consequences.
Exploring the perception and treatment of mentally-challenged youth and their similarities to juvenile delinquents in Japanese society, this drama series follows the trials and tribulations of a group of adolescents in a work/study program for mentally-challenged teenagers. Although the program's intention is to gently "normalize" them for introduction in society, the group is subject to constant physical and mental abuse unbeknownst to their parents and teacher, Ms Hagawa. However, the friendship between Towa, a naive but unusually articulate member of the program, and Arisu, a rebellious schoolgirl, helps both of them learn to overcome their troubles.
MTV's Tom Green Show. Presented like a talk show, this series is anything but. Tom Green, as the host and himself, is a comedian who goes around pulling pranks on ordinary folks, filming them, and then replaying the footage with narration. Green's friends Glenn Humplik and Phil Giroux serve as co-hosts on the show.