Crash Zone is an Australian children's science fiction television series which aired on the Seven Network from 1999 to 2001. It was produced by Australian Children's Television Foundation, in association with the Disney Channel, and ran for 26 episodes. The series starred five high school students, "high-tech whiz kids" of varied backgrounds, who are hired by the president of the Catalyst software company to save her failing business. The premise of the series was unique in that it was one of the first series to examine the early use of the internet as well as the video game industry and artificial intelligence.
Cage Without a Key is a 1975 made-for-TV movie starring Susan Dey and Sam Bottoms, with Jonelle Allen and Lani O'Grady in supporting roles. The movie appeared on the NBC television network, later repeating on The CBS Late Movie. The film was released on VHS under the title Imprisioned Women. The movie was filmed at Las Palmas School for Girls in Commerce, California, now known as the Dorothy Kirby Center. This was a juvenile detention center, not an actual women's prison. Many of the extras were actual inmates.
This three-part series follows comedian Jon Richardson and his friend Matt Forde as they face up to the adult realities of mortgages, marriage and parenthood.
A series based around explaining and celebrating the Star Trek fandom in every aspect.
Zero Mishima is a mysterious 19-year-old transfer student who incites dropout high school students to "destroy this world with me." Although he is a mysterious person, he is adept at controlling people's hearts, and has the charisma to slip into the gaps in people's hearts and manipulate them with his skillful words. Instigated and guided by Zero, high school students eventually form a video group called Mars, and attempt to destroy the society created by adults then rebuild it...
Russian game show based on the original French format of Fort Boyard.