Rhythm & Blues is a short-lived 1992 American sitcom that aired on NBC for only five weeks from September 24, 1992 to October 22, 1992 with an additional left over episode airing on February 19, 1993. The show stars Roger Kabler, Anna Maria Horsford, Ron Glass, Troy Curvey Jr., Vanessa Bell Calloway, Miguel A. Nunez, Jr., and Christopher Babers. The premise of the show stars Kabler as Bobby Soul, a white man who gets hired on a black radio station after being initially mistaken as a black man. Despite being listed among NBC's Must See TV Thursday night lineup after A Different World at 8:00 and before Cheers at 9:00, the show was cancelled after only five weeks due to low ratings. The show was heavily criticized for relying on traditional black stereotypes for its humor. TV Guide said that: "What makes a show built on white jokes any better than a show built on black jokes?"
‘La isla’ shows a group of men recording their own experience of survival in the Pacific Ocean: 14 ordinary men have to survive in a remote and wild island without more resources than their own skills for a month. Without food, water, tools or a place to shelter, they have to fight for their existence. They are alone on the island, so each moment is recorded and narrated by themselves. ‘La isla' is not a contest, it’s a vital experience whose prize is to survive.
Set at the end of the 12th century when several wars for control of Japan disrupted a long era of peace, this tale of "Heike" (another name for the Taira clan) focuses on Taira Kiyomori who fights alongside other members of his clan to at first successfully overcome the Minamoto clan and their bid for power. Battles and intrigue abound, as the puppet Emperor and Buddhist monks take sides in the power struggle. At issue is Kiyomori's parentage, not an unusual problem for the nobility in that era where clandestine liaisons among courtiers and the upper classes were common.
Colin McLaren shares stories about his undercover work inside organized crime families; chilling firsthand details about how mafia families operate and why their ruthlessness was often their downfall.
Loremasters is the official Warhammer lore show, presented by experts. Each episode dives into the rich worlds of Warhammer and lifts the lid on the iconic characters, locations, and events that have defined Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar from the beginning.
A candid look at what life was really like for those living in, and under Hitler's Swastika - at home - and abroad, a record not only of what they saw, but of what they knew.
Tokyo Seimenjo is a udon franchise restaurant with the motto "Quick, cheap, and delicious." The restaurant has a lot of regular customers, but their manager has been on maternity leave for the past two months and a reliable staff member has just quit. The four other staff members, Haruto Aoi, Yoshio Midorikawa, Rin Momota, and Setsuko Kimoto, feel uneasy about the situation. At that time, 27-year-old Kotarō Akamatsu is sent to the restaurant as the new manager. He previously worked for a hotel, which is the parent company of Tokyo Seimenjo. Kotarō Akamatsu assures the staff that he knows how things work at a restaurant, but he works there like he is still working at a hotel. He is overly polite to the customers and he seems very nervous while working. The staff members become embarrassed.
In St. Petersburg, an attempt is made on the well-known criminal authority, the owner of an underground casino network - Yuri Sergeev. A random passer-by unexpectedly intervenes in what is happening, who rebuffs the killer. The criminal is killed, and a passer-by, who turned out to be thirty-year-old Kirill Borzov, who recently arrived in the city from the provinces, receives an offer from Sergeyev to work in his security service. So Borzov gets into the world of excitement and vice. Every day, before the eyes of the main character, real dramas from the life of casino players and his servants are played out.