Big Break is a British game show based around the game of snooker, mixed with traditional game show elements. It was broadcast on BBC1 between 30 April 1991 and 9 October 2002. It influenced a later game show for the network called Full Swing, but based around golf, and itself was in part influenced by ITV's long-running darts quiz Bullseye.
Lian En is a god who has lied too much and has now attracted bad karma. One day, he meets a high school student who will change his destiny forever!
When Henry Mann inherits The Laurels he also inherits its assorted resident oddballs, who include ill-tempered alcoholic Duncan, blonde temptress Dolly Delights and several Chinese waiters. Then comes the arrival of retired Water Board official Hamish James Ordway, a nosey parker and colossal fusspot with a flair for what he euphemistically calls 'organisation' and Mann offers him free accommodation at The Laurels in return for straightening out the chaos prevailing within...
Iwaki Tomonori is a schoolboy who happens to have a crush on his teacher, but learns she has become engaged. Brokenhearted, he soon meets a girl named Rizel, a biochemically engineered human, who he learns the Japanese government has married him to against his will.
Frannie Escobar, a middle-aged working class woman of Cuban-American extraction who decides she's sick and tired of being a second-class citizen at home and at work.
Across 10 captivating episodes, this docuseries delves into the influential factors that defined the transformative decade known for changing the world forever. From the Y2K scare to the musical genius of Weird Al Yankovic, the cultural impact of Tupac and the phenomenon of Titanic, as well as the iconic presence of Madonna and the global dance sensation of the Macarena, the series examines the powerful forces that shaped this era. Prepare to embark on a nostalgic journey that unravels the essence of a decade that left an indelible mark on history.
There is no giving up on these four beautiful actresses. They never met each other yet gathered for one goal: participating in the triathlon, a sport that requires swimming, cycling, and marathon without stopping. They have four months to prepare for a sports event that requires extreme physical strength and strong endurance, but they are new to intense workouts and training. Watch the challenge and passion of the Iron Girls now!
Kuroi Maya is a female detective who has no sense of loyalty to her organisation, completely ignores rules and loves to see troubled looks on people's faces. She became a detective so that she can torment bad people all she wants. However, she has the ability to get to criminals faster than anyone else because of her keen perceptiveness. Good-natured, earnest but careless Daikanyama Shusuke, is a police officer who works at a police box. At home, he is caught between his strong-minded mother and sister, and gets pushed around every day. But he makes the acquaintance of Maya at a crime scene. Shusuke is unlucky to find himself partnered with her to solve all sorts of cases together.
The story of An Xi Da, a rescue team member of Xingyue Bay, who was mistaken as a Mermen by travel columnist Shen Mu Xin. After many hilarious encounter, they resolve the misunderstanding. The two worked together to uncover the mystery and found love in the process.
This is Asia as you have never seen before. Take a trip across Taiwan, through the hot steam of the sulphuric Hell Valley, travel over the forests of Muzha on a Maokong gondola, and even try a glass of venom at the Hua Xi market, famous for its snake delicacies. Locals always know best, and this is the authentic journey across Taipei.
Major Oleg Gromov arrives in Beloyarsk, one of the biggest railway hubs in the country. He comes there to pay a visit to an old friend Vyshenkov, his former martial arts coach who now is the Head of the Security Department at the railway. Happy to see his old trainee, Vyshenkov promptly offers him to spearhead a squad of the Rapid Action Team (RAT) that was created to guard the rails from the rampant gangs. However, Gromov has his own plans for life: back in the capital, there’s an exciting and generously paid job waiting for him. But everything changes once Vyshenkov falls victim to a bandit attack. Gromov sets his mind on staying in Beloyarsk and becoming the leader of RAT. With the help of his new subordinates, passionate investigator Dmitry Kulikov, and psychologist Irina Tikhonova, he starts his own investigation of the railway case. He’s up to challenge a dangerous and invisibleenemy that is ready to do anything to silence the truth about the railroad affairs.