Nano Invaders follows the eye-popping adventures of Hikaru, 11, who is dragged into a series of battles between two rival alien clans. One day Hikaru tries on a bracelet that belongs to his classmate Mimi and he turns into a monster. Mimi’s family is a special scouting unit from planet Anima. When alien invaders from a rival planet Damon attack the city, Hikaru joins force with Mimi’s family to fight back. The battle gets on the TV, making Hikaru and the aliens instant heroes. Simple-minded Hikaru is happy to see his dream come true, not knowing that Mimi’s family is plotting to take over the earth too!
An expository travel around planet Earth with the whole family. Travel across exotic locations, while being interesting for children at the same time.
A 28-year-old layabout begins to re-examine his life when his dysfunctional family assembles to pay respects to a dying grandmother who won’t pass on.
Selena Gomez is at the top of her game as a musical artist, actor, businesswoman, and philanthropist, but she calls in the experts to help amp up her kitchen skills for the holidays. This year she has invited all-star chefs Eric Adjepong, Alex Guarnaschelli, Michael Symon, and Claudette Zepeda to bring their favorite dishes and culinary wisdom to her home kitchen so they can cook up perfect holiday meals to share with friends and family.
Emiru Yoshitsune is a 22-years-old who has just started working as a case worker to poor people needing public assistance. She has no knowledge about the social welfare system and struggles to carry out her work. One day, a man who she is assigned to help commits suicide. (Source: MDL)
Join us on a journey of diverse experiences – from playing an 8,000-year-old bone flute to exploring the quantum world, and from learning about the life of a single working mom in Kenya to the aspirations of a female entrepreneur in Saudi Arabia. CGTN is launching a four-episode docuseries China Aspirations on November 24. The docuseries showcases a year-long journey of 24 groups of people from all lines of work across four continents to find out why China has become what it is today and what it might do in the future.
A web drama that portrays the modern days' mentality through those who have various syndromes.
The investigation of two horrific mass murders leads to the capture and trial of the psychotic pseudo-hippie Charles Manson and his "family".
The sovereign Greek island of Ithaca, 8th century B.C. The Trojan War has been over for ten years, and the Greeks have come home victorious. Only one man is missing: the king of Ithaca, Odysseus, who is lost at sea. The island’s economy is getting worse by the day as the region’s many princes have invaded the kingdom, devouring its resources, and pressuring Queen Penelope to choose a new husband. To delay her suitors, she promises to choose once she’s finished weaving King Laertes’ burial shroud. But she undoes her work every night. Odysseus’ son Telemachus doesn’t dare lay claim to his father’s throne. His only dream is to sail out to rescue Odysseus.
A team of judges combs the Internet in search of talented amateurs capable of opening for acts: Lady Gaga, Gym Class Heroes, Rod Stewart, Nicki Minaj, LMFAO, Brad Paisley, Jason Aldean & Jason Mraz.
Guillaume Thibert gives us a glimpse into the world of flowers and plants alongside his mother and his team, while they interact with plants, customers, and suppliers.
100 höjdare was a Swedish TV series which was produced and aired on Kanal 5. Six seasons of the show were produced and it ran from 2004 to 2008. It was hosted by the comedy duo Filip Hammar & Fredrik Wikingsson. In the first three seasons the hosts presented funny moments, often in the form of video clips, listing their 100 all-time favorites. In season two and three they also discuss the clips with celebrity guests. By season four the format changed and instead of showing clips, Filip and Fredrik made impromptu interviews with people, often in their homes.
Quarantining at home hasn't stopped everyone's favorite foot fixers from helping patients with their foot troubles. Dr. Brad and Dr. Ebonie are teaming up with the compassionate and intelligent Dr. Sarah Haller, who is joining the medical series and has been working alongside Dr. Brad for years, on all new episodes of My Feet Are Killing Me: First Steps. In the midst of a world shutdown by COVID-19, these dynamic foot doctors pledge to help shocking podiatric cases, one video call at a time. Each 30-minute episode will follow three patients as they undergo virtual consultations to begin their journey towards surgeries that will leave their feet radically transformed and their lives changed forever. COVID toes have nothing on these cases!
A dramatization of William Makepeace Thackeray's novel in five parts by Rex Tucker.
Struggling to find a job in her northern home town, Jane is convinced that she is ugly, boring, and completely useless. But after one blazing row with her parents too many, Jane decides to move to London, where she finds sex, adventure, friendship and fun driving a red London bus.
Helicopter skyrunner Anneka Rice races against the clock to find directions to treasure at locations worked out by studio guests from cryptic clues.
It might be one of the most famous continents on the planet, but the story of Australia hasn't been told quite like this before. In a four-part world premiere blue-chip wildlife series, come face-to-face with Australia’s most iconic – and most mysterious – animals including the cassowary, tree-kangaroo, dingo, echidna and platypus as they soar, swim and stalk through the unspoiled and spectacular environment.