The story reimagines Yoshiko Tsushima, the school idol afflicted with chuunibyou (adolescent delusions of grandeur), as a magical girl. The story is set in Numazu, a scenic harbor town surrounded by the sea and mountains. Ever since she was little, the girl Yohane has never fit in, and has always felt apart from everyone in town. Her aspirations and true place in this world lie elsewhere. The story follows this girl who can't follow rules as she journeys into the mysterious world.
Did Wataru's intentions slip by Aika because she was getting impatient?! This is the start of a romcom revolving around two people who just can't get their feelings across and both think their love is unrequited!
Nono loves public baths so much, each episode she will visit different public baths with her friends
Ramez Jala lures his guests under the pretense of a hotel inauguration in Dubai and pretends there's a malfunction when they're on board the plane.
Two of Britain's greatest monarchs are profiled.
When Li Xia and her best friend enroll into the arts specialized Qian Chuan secondary school, they meet the legendary Fu Xiao Si and Lu Zhi Ang. Together, the group of youths officially begin their beautiful high school life. After graduation, the friends part with everyone going their separate ways, but everyone continues to fight for their dreams. However, they're all gradually changing and thus become doubtful about the origin of their friendship. A span of ten years makes them realize that other than memories, nothing can be eternal, but they learnt to love and grow.
Esprit Japon is a program that travels all over Japan in search of objects or even craft techniques that have made it famous all over the world in the "Cool Japan" movement. The "People" section introduces you to various creators or artisans, in "Objects" you can discover various Japanese artisan specialties, while the "Travel" section takes you in the footsteps of famous travelers from around the world to unveil a never-before-seen Japan. The show is presented by the charming Shinkawa Yua, a model from the growing Non-no magazine. Sit back and enjoy the trip!
The comedic drama series tells the story of a modern, imperfect woman and publisher named Evelyn Jones, played by acclaimed Australian actress Asher Keddie, and her journey from lounge room blogger to becoming a force in women’s media.
Brian and Andrew, with help from friends, plan to build a holiday home on the Greek island of Crete.
Drama about a small-time gangster Thomas Gynn (Dennis Waterman) from London who discovers a new life up north in Yorkshire. Helping widowed, self-sufficient businesswoman Sally Hardcastle (Jan Francis) when her car breaks down on the motorway, Thomas reluctantly accepts an offer of a lift to Leeds. Over the coming months, the two become involved in a series of misadventures that soon find them being drawn closer together.
An incident in his childhood gave Mario Narayudha a special ability: he could hear other people's thoughts. The noise of other people's thoughts that he hears often makes Mario nervous and even has insomnia. Until he met Sharona Armandio, a new student whose thoughts he couldn't even hear.
Depicts the unequal marriage between Shinohara Kanon, a sloppy woman in her mid-thirties, and Shirosaki Makoto, a handsome company president who is younger than her.
In May 2003, the murder of an upcoming poetess in Lucknow transforms into a political whirlwind, and minister Amarmani Tripathi is in the eye of the storm. No one could have imagined that the killing would unpack a complex web of lies and power politics.
2150 A.D. The battle with the Festum, the silicon life-forms from distant outer space, had reached a new dimension. The North Polar Meir that was crushed during the First Azure Operation had dispersed its fragments all over the world. They all started activity on their own as independent Meirs. Most of the Meirs harbored hatred towards humanity and challenged a fight, however, a portion of the Festum chose coexistence with mankind. Amongst the crossfire, the Ryugujima island alone disappeared from the forefront of battle and continued its silence. The island had gained a means to converse with the Meir since their encounter with Misao Kurusu two years ago. The children of ALVISS had been searching for a way to understand the enemy as they prepared for battle. And now, once again, further evolution was about to befall the island. A girl that understands the language of the Festum, and a girl protected by a Festum. When the two meet, the doors to a new universe opens.
As a mysterious 'darkness' rises, a group of heroic teens is assembled to harness the awesome mystical power of YO KWON DO, a practice that defeats evil by blending the skill of yo-yo with the martial art of Kung Fu.
A look at the private and professional lives of therapists -- and whether or not these professionals are typically crazier than their patients.
From a boy in a fishing family in Kampot province, but suddenly he has to meet a person who does not know where he comes from and what he is for, just knowing that this heart feels like it is floating on the surface of the sea.