Oh, Grow Up is a sitcom that aired on ABC from September to December 1999. Created by Alan Ball, who would later go on to win an Academy Award for writing American Beauty and also create the hit HBO series Six Feet Under, the show was based on his 1991 one-act stage play Bachelor Holiday, written before he found success as a television writer. Thirteen episodes in full were produced, but the series was cancelled after only eleven of them had aired.
Chloe Sheffield
Witness to a Prosecution is a Hong Kong television series produced by TVB. The original broadcast was on the TVB Jade network with 45-minute episodes airing five days a week from 20 December 1999 to 16 January 2000. The drama stars Bobby Au-yeung as the famous historical forensic medical expert Song Ci. Set during the Southern Song Dynasty of Mid-Imperial China, Witness to a Prosecution tells a fictionalised account of Chee's modest beginnings and the events leading to the creation of his book Collected Cases of Injustice Rectified, the world's earliest documentation of forensic science.
The series tells the story of an Uber driver (Francisco Suárez), who suffers a traffic accident and -in an unconscious state- meets his idol (Sergio Goycochea), who tries to convince him that his mission is to be a soccer coach. For this reason, he arrives in Mendoza to direct the lower leagues of Atlético Argentino, where different adventures and misadventures will be unleashed.
Architect Danny Forster takes you inside some of the most head-scratching builds in the world. Join Danny as he meets the men and women tackling the unique challenges of constructing the tallest buildings, the most effective military tanks, the largest luxury cruise ships, and the most extreme thrill rides. How do you build a 3,113-foot-long wooden roller coaster in winter temperatures of minus 40 degrees? Or get your workers safely to and from a worksite on a skyscraper that's 1,614 feet above street level? Or dig a water tunnel - along the San Adreas Fault and 1,000 feet below the earth's surface - without it collapsing on itself ... or flooding? Our intrepid host answers these puzzles and more. Don't miss the big stories behind these even bigger engineering marvels.
The film industry is a world with too many variables. A film's success depends not only on actors and directors but on everything that happens behind the camera: endless fights between the screenwriters, mischief, love affairs, and money issues. Finally, the whole team gets together for a wrap party. They will not only drink champagne but tell each other everything they've been hiding. Love affairs come to an end and arguments die down while the director is trying to understand whether he managed to create something "real".
Pastewka is a German television sitcom that began airing on German TV channel Sat.1 in 2005. The series, currently in its sixth season, is set in Cologne, with German actor Bastian Pastewka starring as a fictionalized version of himself. It has been compared to Seinfeld and Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm. The series was awarded, among others, the Rose d'Or and the German Television Prize. Series was directed by Joseph Orr and Jan Markus Linhof.
Emma and Matt Willis host a social experiment where British singles look for love and get engaged before meeting in person. But who will say "I do"?
Charlie Cooper is a special agent of the future - the mind of a man running entirely on a computer, able to transfer his consciousness to bio-mechanical bodies at will. But when a computer virus corrupts his system, he must face one of his greatest challenges yet: mortality.
Zendeh Rood is an Iranian television program with a cultural and social focus that is broadcast live on Fridays on two Iranian national channels.
In a future plagued by legions of undead creatures, both human and animal, the earth is a dark and dangerous place — not only for the few remaining humans who still cling to life, but for a unique group of zombies who remain mysteriously self-aware, torn between their new-found cravings and a lingering moral sensibility. Armed with reason, and impervious to death, their world is one of darkness — a nightmare from which they cannot awaken.
Twelve Warrior Explosive Eto Rangers is a 1995 Japanese anime television series. The Eto Rangers are based on the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac.
Hasse and Tage were best friends for over 30 years. Their films, shows, songs and books influenced an entire nation and were the glue that held people's home together. As a comedic duo, they united right-wing ghosts and anarchists in laughter. When Tage dies prematurely, his children lose a father, Hasse a father figure and all of Sweden a country father. And when Palme dies just months after Tage, the Swedish stable society begins to crumble. For the first time, the Alfredson and Danielsson families open up the archives and give us exclusive access to their stories, photographs and recordings.
Kylmäverisesti sinun (Sincerely Yours in Cold Blood) is a Finnish true crime drama television series. All episodes are based on real life cases. The show follows Helsinki central police department investigator Veli Miettinen and lawyer Mira Kataja as they tackle with personal life problems and try to keep their relationship purely professional.
Hyun, a high school student, writes down his feelings for his friend Dong Ho in his diary. Then, Dong Ho sees the diary, and the two talk to confirm their feelings for each other. Can the ending for these two be a happy one?
“Upin & Ipin” is a 3D animated series produced by Les’ Copaque Production Sdn. Bhd. and is currently one of the most popular animated series in Malaysia receiving excellent reviews and steadfastly averaging around 800, 000 viewers per episode. The series is actually a spin-off of the company’s debut feature film “Geng: Pengembaraan Bermula”. The series centres on a pair of 5-year-old twin boys, the titular Upin and Ipin, who tell stories of their everyday lives through fun and amusing actions with their friends while also learning new things during their day to day activities. Like every other children, Upin and Ipin are very mischievous and often find themselves getting into trouble, most of the time with their teenage sister Ros.