Fantastic Man is a television serialization of the box office film of the same name. The series originally starred by Vic Sotto stars Mark Herras as Fantastic Man with Ryza Cenon as her leading lady-turned sidekick Wena aka Fantastic Girl. The series refurbishes and reintroduces Fantastic Man as a crime-busting superhero. The series lasted for two seasons and had a special episode after the series ended.
The superstars of World Wrestling Entertainment's "SmackDown" brand collide each and every Friday on WWE Friday Night SmackDown.
Now in remission, Ander is set on spending his summer helping Alexis, his chemo partner, go through treatment.
Momay is two thousand years old. For centuries she has never aged, never gotten sick, never died. Having tried hundreds of methods to kill herself over and over again and always failing, Momay finally sees a ray of light at the end of the tunnel when her friend Krating, a fortuneteller, tells her that she will be able to age and pass on if she finds the love of her life within the year. The problem is, there are four candidates. Thawin—her hardworking and generous boss, Khun Prom—their company's biggest client, Kampan—a sweet young man—and Moo Tod—the dashing new guy. Four candidates and one year to find the love of her life. But who's the right one?
Ryutaro Asada was the chief surgeon of Team Medical Dragon, a globally active emergency medical care team that worked in refugee camps. After his return to Japan, this amazingly talented surgeon starts work at a university hospital, where he uncovers one case of corruption after another and takes on a lot of powerful contenders in this heroic drama. The struggles between the hospital and the patients, the infighting among the hospital staff, and the patients who get involved in those struggles are all depicted in a realistic manner in a drama that has an overwhelming feeling of speed. Here’s a human drama depicting a thrilling battle between life and death, a totally new, outstanding form of entertainment.
The History of the World Backwards is a comedy sketch show written and starring Rob Newman. It is a mock history programme set in an alternative world, where time flows forwards, but history flows backwards. It was shown on BBC Four, starting on 30 October 2007, and later shown on BBC Two. It was Newman's first television project for 14 years.
A singing reality show for little super stars. Let the musical battle begin!
Three best friends, Jeremiah, Trafalgar, and Fury, who are all relatives of iconic fairy-tale characters, all live through a tough life as teenagers and are determined to be themselves, despite their parents' orders and their fairy tale origins. Although rating well in Australia, one of the countries which co-produced the series, it did not do well elsewhere. In 2017 the distribution rights were acquired by Bejuba! Entertainment who have renamed it "Awesome Magical Tales". As of 2019 it is still screening in Australia under its original title.
Ex-Onnelliset on draamasarja viidestä lapsiperheestä, joissa vanhemmat ovat juuri eronneet. Perheet muuttavat samaan kerrostaloon, joka on rakennettu nimenomaan eronneiden lapsiperheiden tarpeita ajatellen.
Nadia feels conflicted about whether or not to see her long distance boyfriend, Guzmán, when she returns to Spain for her sister's wedding.