Transformers: Super-God Masterforce aired on Japanese television from 1988 to 1989. Taking place after Transformers: Headmasters, it is the story of how Metalhawk and his small team of Autobots must protect Earth from the mysterious Devil Z and his Decepticon forces. Humans play many prominent roles in Masterforce, from the Decepticon husband-wife team of Giga and Mega to the Autobot's Junior Headmasters and the reluctantly-recruited Ginrai. Masterforce is often considered second only to Transformers: Victory as a fan favorite.
Lightfoot (Autobots - Godmasters)
Following on The Return of Optimus Prime (and in place of The Rebirth), The Headmasters is the first Japanese-exclusive Transformers franchise.
Eight-part anthology series that continues the stories of Tian and Phupha (A Tale of Thousand Stars), Pran and Pat (Bad Buddy), Khabkluen and Daonuea (Star and Sky: Star in My Mind), Nuengdiao and Palm (Never Let me Go), Cher and Gun (A Boss and a Babe), Talay and Puen (Vice Versa), Akk and Ayan (The Eclipse), and Tinn and Gun (My School President)
An unforgettable journey in ‘Our Story,’ the captivating final chapter of the My Day The Series Trilogy. Follow Zeke and Fifth’s epic love story as they navigate life’s challenges and uncertainties. Will their love conquer all? Prepare to be swept away by a tale of passion, heartache, and the pursuit of true love. Watch as their destinies unfold in the most unexpected ways. Don’t miss out on the emotional rollercoaster.
Galey Alix is a Wall Street executive by day, but on the weekends, she's a DIY designer who creates dream home renovations. Spending weeks preparing for each project, Galey and her team surprise families with stunning transformations in just three days.
An aspiring doctor, Tupe gets falsely accused as being involved in the corrupt activities of his government official-father, affecting his relationship with Rita. Years after Tupe’s apparent disappearance, Rita finds a new love in Peterson, who credits her for becoming a changed man as he pursues political office. Complications arise, however, when Tupe and Rita cross paths again, triggering Peterson’s rage.
One big legacy, many beneficiaries, a new club in the town and an extremely erotic confusion.
When Julia, a young trainee police officer, meets the secretive stranger Nick, she finds herself falling for him almost instantly. But after their first night together, she is shocked to see that Nick has a huge swastika tattoo on his back. Despite all the advice to forget the guy immediately, she decides to investigate the right-wing extremist scene for herself. She follows a trail deep into the forests of the Eifel to the abandoned bunkers of Hitler’s Siegfried Line. In this old World War II defense facility, the young police officer finds the hideout of a terrorist with whom she has more in common than she ever could have imagined.
The events follow a rich family that establishes an international school, shedding light on the problems of the educational system and the difference between that type of school and public schools.
Ivanhoe was a BBC television series from 1970. The script was by Alexander Baron, based on Sir Walter Scott's novel of the same name. The director was David Maloney. It was shown on the Sunday tea-time slot on BBC1, which for several years showed fairly faithful adaptations of classic novels aimed at a family audience. It was later shown on US television. It consisted of five 50-minute episodes. It is not widely remembered nowadays, but is remembered favourably by some who do remember it, as one of the better BBC Sunday adaptations, and possibly more accessible to a late 20th-century audience than Scott's original novel.
Britain's most visionary chef Heston Blumenthal delivers meticulously tested tips and techniques to help viewers transform their dinners from bog standard to reliably brilliant without even breaking a sweat.
Super-sized transport jobs require even bigger trucks to perform them. Lifting the lid on the heavy recovery business, featuring industrial strength trucks capable of towing and lifting the biggest and heaviest machines on the nation's roads.
The drama revolves around a group of aspiring musical actors, and their stories of love, youth and friendship.