TV Nation is a satirical newsmagazine television series written, directed and hosted by Michael Moore that was co-funded and originally broadcast by NBC in the United States and BBC2 in the United Kingdom. The show blended humor and journalism into provocative reports about various issues. After moving to Fox for its second season, the show won an Emmy Award in 1995 for Outstanding Informational Series. TV Nation was created in the wake of the success Moore had with the documentary Roger & Me, prompting Warner Bros. television to ask Moore for television series ideas. In January 1993 NBC green-lit a pilot episode which took three months to complete. Interest from the BBC prompted NBC to insert the show into its summer 1994 lineup.
Michael Moore Live, a 1999 television show featuring political advocate Michael Moore, ran for one six-part series. It was shown on Channel 4 and aired in the United Kingdom only, though it was broadcast from New York. The show had a similar format to The Awful Truth but also incorporated phone-ins and a live stunt each week. It was filmed around 7pm local time, which due to the time difference made it a late-night show in the UK. The live phone-ins all featured UK viewers, and questions were mainly about American policy at the time, e.g. gun control and the war in Kosovo. Each week, Moore was joined by guests, and one of the regulars was an illegal UK alien in the USA named Nigel. Throughout the show, he had to wear a rubber Queen Elizabeth II mask to hide his true identity.
Mister Terrific is an American TV sitcom that aired on CBS Television from January 9, to May 8, 1967. It starred Stephen Strimpell in the title role, and lasted 17 episodes. The show was similar to NBC's Captain Nice, which followed Mister Terrific on Monday nights during its run. Riding the tide of the camp superhero craze of the 1960s, the show's premise involved gas station attendant Stanley Beamish, a mild-mannered scrawny youth who secretly worked to fight crime for a government organization, The Bureau of Secret Projects, in Washington. All he needed to do was take a "power pill" which gave him the strength of a thousand men and enabled him to fly, much like Superman, albeit by furious flapping while wearing the top half of a wingsuit. Unfortunately, he was the only person on whom the pills worked. It was established that, although the pill would give him great strength, he was still vulnerable to bullets. Furthermore, each power pill had a time limit of one hour, although he generally had two 10-minute booster pills available per episode. Much of the show's humor revolved around Stanley losing his superpowers before he completed his given assignment.
An English playwright sacrifices his health waiting for his play's make-or-break opening on Broadway.
One South is an inpatient psychiatric unit at Zucker Hillside Hospital in Queens, NY, specializing in treating young adults. It may look more like a college dorm than a psychiatric hospital, but patients arrive every day in acute crisis. They are dealing with a variety of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and psychosis, and many have contemplated or attempted suicide. A team of doctors, social workers, and nurses work together to stabilize the patients and prepare them to return to the outside world
Yoo Hae-jin for 'Three Meals a Day: Fishing Village' demonstrates his hidden aspects as a camping master introducing to the audience a new paradigm of traveling Europe. Along with Jin Seon-kyu, Park Ji-hwan, and Yoon Kyun-sang, the four brothers travel Europe as the wheels roll.
Song Na Young and her husband, Jung Sung Min, desperately want a child but her husband is unable to get her pregnant. Her husband's friends decide to help them. But Na Young suddenly loses her husband in an accident and she gives birth to her daughter but does not know which of her husband's friends fathered her child. The father of Na Young's child can either be Han Soo Hyun, Choi Kwang Hee, or Hwang Kyung Tae.
Candy Cruz, who has a natural gift for cooking, thanks to which she will live one of the most unforgettable experiences of her life by participating in a TV contest that will bring her fame.
Arresting Behavior is a half-hour American television police comedy that aired on ABC from August 18 to September 2, 1992.
The main character of ‘The Great Wall Warrior’ is a wolf raised up by herbivores. The adventure starts with his pure mind of being the hero who can save the world from the Giant Warrior, but he has unconsciously involved in some big scheme…
U (Audible Vichitra Non) is a wealth young high society beauty who has always had a fascination with Bangkok ever since she was a child. This is a story of love, betrayal and romance, in the upper echelons of Thai society.
When 15-year-old Jennifer Pandos went missing in 1987, her parents told everyone she ran away. Decades later, her brother Stephen begins a relentless odyssey in search of the truth. His investigation into the case threatens to destroy his family as he becomes strongly convinced that his parents are both implicated in the crime. As time passes, more threads unravel and new evidence comes to light, Stephen starts to question everything he has come to believe.