Mennen Tullen is a four-part parody mini-series created by Studio Julmahuvi. It aired on YLE between 2000 and -01. Though created in a form of a serious murder-mystery it is in fact a dark comedy with occasional absurd elements, technology and conventions. The cast of characters are from Julmahuvi's various fictional cop-series and there are also other references to Julmahuvi's previous productions.
Series celebrating the art of the cinema soundtrack, as Neil Brand explores the work of the great movie composers and demonstrates their techniques.
The every day life of a Greek family - four children, a husband who is a lawyer, a wife, a gambling grandma, a jinxed aunt, and a rabbit.
Detective Ukyo Sugishita confronts crime on the basis of his own convictions. He has a partner that works for him in the Special Task Unit. For the first 7 seasons, Ukyo’s first partner is Kaoru Kameyama. He is a good-natured, hot-tempered, straightforward and somewhat scattered detective. Beginning in Season 8, Takeru Kanbe replaces Kameyama. Contrary to his predecessor, Takeru is a lanky, cool, conceited and confident detective. From Season 11 to Season 13, Ukyo’s partner is a young detective Toru Kai. Toru is a son of Deputy Director-General of The National Police Agency. But he became a detective by his own effort. And starting with Season 14, Ukyo’s current partner is Wataru Kaburagi, an elite bureaucrat who came to the Metropolitan Police Department on temporary assignment. As the first partner without any career of a police officer, he will face challenging cases together with Ukyo.
Street racers battle at rough, untested tracks across the country and earn points depending on how they perform.
After a brutal invasion of China by the Imperial Japanese Army, a Chinese professor in Boston named Wu Ming Tai decides to return to Beijing to translate a document for the UN. This document confirmed the war crimes of the Japanese army against China. However, the Japanese general was aware of the professor's return home. The army would do anything to prevent the return of Wu Ming Tai, including kidnapping his brother and forcing him to become a Japanese citizen.
Detective in the House is an American detective drama series that aired on CBS on Friday nights from March 15, 1985 to April 19, 1985.
A romantic love story about an independent, introverted human girl who goes from hating to loving a vampire prince in a time when vampires rule.