Diane Eskenazi
Diane Eskenazi
Top Movie Crew
Miracle In ToylandtrueDirecting
The Nuttiest NutcrackertrueProduction
The Emperor's TreasuretrueDirecting
Beauty and the BeasttrueDirecting
The Nuttiest NutcrackertrueCrew
The Night Before ChristmastrueWriting
The Little MermaidtrueProduction
Tarzan of the ApestrueProduction
Tarzan of the ApestrueProduction
Tarzan of the ApestrueDirecting
Treasure IslandtrueWriting
Treasure IslandtrueDirecting
Beauty and the BeasttrueProduction
Beauty and the BeasttrueWriting
The Prince and the PaupertrueWriting
The Prince and the PaupertrueProduction
The Prince and the PaupertrueProduction
Miracle In ToylandtrueProduction
Miracle In ToylandtrueWriting
Jungle BooktrueProduction
The Three MusketeerstrueProduction
The Jungle KingtrueDirecting
The New Adventures of Peter RabbittrueDirecting
The Legend of Su-LingtrueProduction
The Princess CastletrueDirecting
The Legend of Su-LingtrueDirecting
Tom Thumb Meets ThumbelinatrueDirecting
The Christmas ElvestrueDirecting
A Tale of EgypttrueDirecting
Gulliver's TravelstrueDirecting
The Night Before ChristmastrueDirecting
The Hunchback of Notre DametrueDirecting
The Great Easter Egg HunttrueDirecting
The Red ShoestrueDirecting
The Emperor's TreasuretrueProduction
The Emperor's TreasuretrueEditing
The Great Easter Egg HunttrueProduction
The Great Easter Egg HunttrueWriting
The Wizard of OztrueProduction
The Legend of AtlantistrueDirecting
Gulliver's TravelstrueWriting