Roman Davydov
Roman Davydov
Top Movie Crew
The Hunchedback HorsetrueVisual Effects
Animated Soviet PropagandatrueDirecting
The Adventures of MowglitrueDirecting
Adventures of Mowgli: RakshatrueDirecting
Flight to the MoontrueVisual Effects
The Song of ChapayevtrueArt
Hunter and His SontrueDirecting
Hunter and His SontrueWriting
Dog and CattrueVisual Effects
The Three BearstrueDirecting
The GoatlingtrueDirecting
The Childhood of RatibortrueDirecting
Vassilissa MikulishnatrueDirecting
Swans of NepriadvatrueDirecting
The Tale of Yevpatiy KolovrattrueDirecting
Poslednyaya nevesta Zmeya GorynychatrueDirecting
Little Gray NecktrueVisual Effects
Travel to the Land of the GiantstrueVisual Effects
Главный звёздныйtrueDirecting
The Son of the StonetrueDirecting
The Son of the Stone and the GianttrueDirecting
Foka the HandimantrueDirecting
Мальчик с пальчикtrueDirecting
Slashing FellowtrueDirecting
The Magic TreasuretrueVisual Effects
Magic BirdtrueVisual Effects
Golden StalkstrueVisual Effects
The Golden AntelopetrueVisual Effects
The Heart of the BravetrueVisual Effects
Island of MistakestrueVisual Effects
A Winter TaletrueVisual Effects
Fox, Hare and RoostertrueVisual Effects
The Tale of Tsar SaltantrueVisual Effects
BarmaleytrueVisual Effects
The Night Before ChristmastrueVisual Effects
The Scarlet FlowertrueVisual Effects
The Lost LettertrueVisual Effects
Forest TravellerstrueVisual Effects
TelephonetrueVisual Effects
Song of JoytrueVisual Effects
Little Straw BulltrueVisual Effects
The Stolen SuntrueVisual Effects
Grandfather IvantrueVisual Effects
Why Did the Kitten Go Away?trueArt
The Deer and the WolftrueVisual Effects
The Hunting RifletrueDirecting
We Are Going to the Olympic Games Too!trueVisual Effects
The Signature Is IllegibletrueVisual Effects
Mukha-TsokotukhatrueVisual Effects
Soon There Will Be RaintrueVisual Effects
The Miraculous BelltrueVisual Effects